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Blog Comments posted by calgaryhairguy

  1. Well, here it is. After a good ten years + of losing hair, and changing my mind in the last 2 years about getting a hair transplant, I have finally decided to get it done. I will be posting here my journey, and also considering doing a website or blog, so that other people can learn about a regular guys decision to have the procedure done. 

I also hope to be able to help other people from Calgary, Alberta Canada, in case they want to talk to someone local to get any help or advice. I have learned a lot from this site and it's members, but feel I probably would have come to this decision sooner if I had someone local to talk with who went through it. So, although wanting to have a certain level of anonymity, I still don't mind being a resource to anyone in a similar situation to mine.

I noticed in my late twenties that my hairline started to recede and that I was getting a bald patch in the crown area. I tried propecia but I never maintained it for long (big mistake) and things just got busier and busier with my life. So now I'm 41 and about 8 months ago made a somewhat wishy washy decision to do something about it. I took some pictures, sent them to various Doctors for quotes, and learned what I could about different methods of transplants. I'm kind of a chicken shit about needles and stuff, okay not kind of, I really am, so going through a transplant was not ideal. I ended up looking into a hair "system" (whatever) and even went so far as to put a deposit down and set a date. In the end the thought of having that fake hair on my head and all the maintenance involved, including the price which would be more than a transplant in only a few years, caused me to cancel getting it done and rethinking my options.

Thanks to sites like this I decided to either get a transplant, or shut up and live with going bald. 

I'm going with the transplant.


    Almost a month ago I met with Dr. John Gillespie of Calgary. I couldn't find much about the Dr. online but after meeting with him I feel confident he is a good Dr. and in general a nice guy. His office is great and the staff are nice. He answered all my questions patiently in our first meeting and suggested that if I'm going ahead with it to go on proscar to tackle the crown area and go with 2000 grafts to rebuild the hairline, which is my main concern. At 41 I don't feel the need to have hair like my 20's. I just really really miss having a hairline.

Off I went to fill out the prescription and do some thinking. I starting taking the 1/4 proscar and make my decision absolute. During the next few weeks some more questions popped up in my head that I forgot to ask so I set up another appt. Once again Dr. Gillespie was great and I felt even more confident with the decision. That was a few weeks ago and after our consultation I set up the date. With the holiday season coming up, and some other projects in the works, the best date for everyone is Jan 15th. I will post as much as I can and update website info if I have time to work on one. 

I'm starting off with posting pics of 6 months ago (approx) when I started sending some pictures out to Drs. and one I took today after almost a month on finasterside. I have to say even though I haven't cut my hair in that month (not going to until after the transplant so the scar gets hidden) I have noticed an overall thickening of my hair and I'm cautiously optimistic that taking it will improve things. Will post again right before the procedure.

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