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Posts posted by dbury

  1. Hi All


    So over the past maybe 2-3 years I've seen a slight receding of my hairline. As I approach my 25th birthday I'm noticing it more and more, and figure it's time to see what I can do. It's not super noticeable yet, but as I keep reading prevention / early intervention is better than waiting.


    Just a bit of back story on me, both my father and his father have very typical MPB. My dad, who 55, is probably ~ a 5 on the Norwood-Hamilton scale. My grandfather (dad's dad) is a definite 7. My grandfather on my mother's side also has a significant amount of "baldness" although not nearly to the extent of my dad's father (maybe a 4A, not sure).


    I attached a couple pictures (before and after a haircut). I'm either at or approaching a 2 on the N-H scale, so really the question is what are the best options for slowing the progression.


    As far as I can tell from my reading options are limited to going on fin and maybe trying minoxidil (varying reports on effectiveness for hair line). I'm rather wary of going on fin, especially at my age. I figured before I got in touch with a dermatologist I'd see what advice you fine folks might have


    thanks :D




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