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Posts posted by Tinkerbellz

  1. hehe i knew it! from the last two pics it looks like a nw 2.5 ish as some say on this forum, though im not an expert, the hair on the back of the hairline seems to be healthy and strong from the pics, if i were you i would stay with the fin with the periodical control of a derm.


    from the styling point i got a bit advanced pattern of yours and i hated it when i try the combing long from back to forward, when it rains with the wind its really hard to cope with it, so i switch back guard 3, no time waste when woke up for work to comb and going head on to wind is really priceless :D

  2. hello Adam;


    Imo to get the ideas of different experts would be better rather than sticking with just one in a topic which you are not qualified like them.While you are close and got time if i were you i would have a consultation with Dr. Radha and see what he have to say.


    Other than ht options you have shaving off, hair systems,Scalp Micropigmentation(check on this forum) available that i know off.Sure there are some new treatments like Steam-Cell may come available in the near future which you can check on these forums.


    All best!

  3. imo Hair-transplant procedure nowadays is a well-known topic, if it is the business area that you want to say the cute lie, it may not be appropriate since even that they do not know about the procedure somebody other may will.People don't like to be mislead, if i were you i would just say that had a procedure done, this also will make you feel confident about this issue and may be a small personal anecdote for everyone around you that you care for yourself.It's a good thing!


    All best

  4. hello there;


    Imo you have a nice head of hair but with the aging process there is always a risk to lost more of it for all of us, as for the pictures you may or may not experience a bit more loss of the temple points of your hair since a miniturazation process seems rounding at that area.


    If i were you, i would firstly go to see a derm to assess the cause within the result if any prescribe would have been given by the derm, using it and with the luck of no side-effects, i would stay with that prescribe until my mid-30's to see if my hair loss is stabilized.By no means waiting until mid-30's would stop your hairloss, you can always face it but with this observing would be easier to predict for the future and preparing the plan of your fight.


    All in all, you can also have online consultations to get an idea from a hair-transplant doctor that what they will offer for your current situation, but if there is a doctor which is recommended from this site near to you, do not hesitate to have a face to face consultation since it will be easier for them to assess the situation and give you a more direct answer.


    All best.

  5. Hello Mirza7,


    According to photos its hard to judge for a non-professional like me to give an advice to you, but in my opinion at your level of your hair-loss, money shouldn't be an issue, if it is i would just shave it off but that's just me, before deciding going to which route i strongly recommend you to consult with world class surgeons like Drs Hasson&Wong, Dr.Rahal,Dr Feller,Dr.Konior and others who i couldnt remember the names, you can check this forum or their websites and see the outcomes of the similar patterns of hairloss to yours.


    All best.

  6. Hi Rob,


    First of all thanks for your answer,


    There is something which made me to think, it is really great courage to get under the blade even that a doctor who got one to zero reputation and who lives on another country, you recalled her before on these forums if anyone heard of her but without any reliable feedback,you just came here and had the operation, imo this was a great risk even for me who lives in the same city where even didnt heard any of her which years ago i think i heard her name for her FUT ops(didnt even sure about this) and couldnt remember the outcome, but the great risk turn into to great outcome, i am really happy for you pal.


    Is it possible for her to show her other results in here?I know there is a law but Dr.Keser is also from Turkey and he happened to show his results in this forum..That would be great for everyone.


    Happy growing!!

  7. In my opinion, This is wrong, i am nearly 33 years old and have the nearly same pattern of the 17 years old patient, but still waiting for my 37-38 to get a hair-transplant.There is always a risk, to go to nw6 even after 40 years old, i believe the best bet to minimize this risk to wait until you age over to mid-late 30s in my type of (diffusion all over the scalp,nw3).it is your own choice to use any meds, which i dont, for even a 17 years old, i believe even meds should take with precaution with a doctor's prescribe.


    I am sorry to say this Dr.Mohebi but all with respect to you,in my opinion, I believe this is unethical to make a hairtransplant under-18 patient with mpb.


    Even if the patient is on Meds,he may get the sides in the following years or he may want to quit meds because it got boring there is a chance even meds can stop to work for anyone , got enough hair for a second or a third round?, this is human nature, even if his family tree had show no hairloss at all,i believe it is impossible to give a point-blank decision for this young fella to not get further aggressive hairloss.

  8. S2 this is a brilliant result, i live in Turkey,Istanbul but heard Eser Aydoğdu's name only few times,Looking at the work, and result by all sides it is totally professional, after this topic i will add him to my list of fame surely , and for you dude i hope the best of the best for the coming months!


    P.S: Do you know if Dr.Aydogdu is also performing FUT?

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