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Posts posted by SkinTaj

  1. I can appreciate that, however I am a little concered that you really aren't that educated about the hair transplant procedure. The transplanted hair sheds weeks after the surgery and then begins to grow 3-6 months later. So all I am saying is that it is impossible to access the results of your procedure at this point in time, so I would remain as patient as possible. I truly hope that in 6-12 months time you are much happier, good luck.



    """"""""""""When I reached back home UK 2 DAYS AFTER and had been able to see on the back of my head I realized what else had gone wrong beside other things. They did not even cover my previous STRIP SURGERY SCAR I had 5 years ago. ***********

    DO YOU THINK NOT COVERING YOUR OBVIOUS PREVIOUS HAIR STRIP SURGERY SCAR by the hair transplant company ..will also repair itself in 6 months !!!!!!!

  2. SkinTaj, I can see you are not happy with your experience and I have never heard of Longevita so I can't comment on them at all. But you said you are only 3 months post op, you do realize that the first 3 months after a transplant is called the "ugly duckling" phase because you typically look worst than pre op. Usually you don't see much growth til 6 months and beyond, so evaluating the results at this stage is premature. You say you paid for 5000 grafts but only received 1000. Did the doctor tell you this or are you just estimating by looking at your current resluts? I'm not saying this procedure will end up being successful but I would urge you to be patient as hard as it may be




    Hi greatjob,

    Thanks for your advice.

    Initially I may have been just unhappy due to the SERVICE ( WASTING 3500 GB Pounds on this CRAP, USELESS, FUTILE, INADEQUATE and WORTHLESS and MERE few hair, but as you can see yourself the response from this company which is NOT A PROFESSIONAL RESPONSE and shows the caliber of a company.... If it was not this company's MD's CHEAP responses , I would have not continued writing back, after my first post which I did in response to a post from a forum member.

    I have many many friends from Medical field ( see FB page MUSCULOSKELETAL PAIN ).

    No one of my friends agrees that these were 5000 FIVE THOUSAND GRAFTS.

    ( equivalent to about 7000-1000 hair ).

    You have seen my photo.

    The ridiculous response I received from the company, when I initially ( even before, I wrote in this forum ) was """" YOUR HAIR ARE UNDER THE SURFACE """" ....lol

    Everybody knows that in FUE procedure the small HAIR are planted in the follicles and or the bare scalp surface , visible to a naked eye.


    I FEEL SORRY NOW that I did not know about this forum till AFTER MY so called HAIR TRANSPLANT SURGERY.

    If I had joined this forum and had read other forum members comments, and had taken advice perhaps things would have been different .

    I did not want to keep wasting my time but had to reciprocate to this so called company MD's as you can see yourself.


  3. The fact that PayPal or your Credit Card company did not return your money is a strong indication that they conducted their own investigation and found out that your claims were untrue.


    Also, on the matter you raised about the host that was provided for your services, the female representative informed us that you had sent her the following inappropriate message on Facebook:


    "Nice to see you at least on the facebook. How come you never got in touch . Longevita told me you will be my patient liaison contact in turkey. Nevermind. Lol.

    I wanted to take you out for perhaps for a quite dinner somewhere to meet you catchup and discuss couple of things that I have on my mind. I already had my surgery yesterday . I am flying out tomorrow early morning.

    Let me know if you could ."


    Despite your inappropriate and destructive attitude as well as defamation of our company, we strongly advise you to wait for the required recuperation time before jumping on any conclusions about the success of your surgery. This will be our final notice.




    AH HA HA !!! so you yourself admitted NO SERVICE WAS PROVIDED !!!!!


    What female host !!!!!!!!!!!! ?????????????? I never met any female HOST ???? although before taking my money in the info email that you sent you wrote you "will provide an ENGLISH SPEAKING ASSISTANT FOR THE DURATION of your stay to help you with SHOPPING AND MEALS too"" !!!!!!!

    Do not fabricate stories to make up things !!!!!!!!

    You DID NOT PROVIDE ANY ASSISTANT for SHOPPING AND DINNER as you had included in the service promised IN YOUR EMAILS before you TOOK the MONEY FROM ME by PAYPAL ( credit card ) !!!!!!! ( I have ALL THE EMAILS and can CUT AND PASTE THEM HERE IF you SAY ).

    PAYPAL did not refund my money ONLY BECAUSE they said it was paid for "SERVICES" .. so they NEVER REFUND money paid for any SERVICES ( there was no INVESTIGATION !!!!!!!!!!! or any sort as YOU CLAIM ) !!!!


    SO ANYWAYS !!!!!!!!!!! THE BOTTOM LINE IS ................... I DID NOT HAVE GOOD EXPERIENCE and BASED ON WHAT FEW HAIR I WAS TRANSPLANTED for GB Pounds ?3500 spending ... I DO NOT RECOMMEND ANYBODY to waste their money . There are many other reputable and GOOD COMPANIES to choose from.

    AT the end of the day its up to the individuals to make a decision. I AM VERY SURE MANY FORUM USERS who have read all these comments and how a company MD being writing and making up things to hide the facts is very CLEAR here .... I REST MY CASE !!!!!!!!!!! lol.:D

  4. Dear Sir,


    Your comments about our company are inappropriate and damaging our reputation on this public forum. Most importantly those related to the success of your surgery are untrue.


    We have pictures after your surgery as evidences to demonstrate the results of your procedure, however we are unable to post them here without your consent as we respect your privacy and right for data protection.


    You had your surgery in November 2012 and almost every hair transplant specialist surgeon in the world would tell you that you needed to wait for 6-9 months before you can fully assess the results of your surgery. This is exactly what was communicated to you prior to your surgery on pre-operative instructions and after your surgery on post-operative instructions provided to you.


    However, instead of waiting for the required amount of time for your recovery, you instructed PayPal to withdraw your payment right after you returned to your home country. If you had good intentions, you would have first contacted our company, let us know how you felt about your surgery and had your questions addressed by your surgeon. Given that you decided to withdraw your payment immediately after your surgery was over and without letting any company official know, we are confident that your motives are totally financial. However we delivered the service that was promised, so you will be unable to receive any compensation. PayPal, an independent payment company, declined your withdrawal instructions as they found out about your ill intentions after their independent investigation. If you really had issues about the results of your treatment, you would have given us an opportunity to act on them, but you didn't.


    If you continue posting untrue claims and comments destructive to our reputation, I will have to ask our solicitors to deal with this matter further.







    I had contacted the company once after surgery I realized after reading through these forums and realizing the crap surgery I had !!!!!! Before trying to claim from PAYPAL and my Credit card ( I did not get any refund by PAYPAL / Credit card back for my money.)..... I had also paid in CASH to the surgeon, as demanded by this company. . I can confirm that all information given above is FACTUAL and based on my experience and that the picture posted above was way after my surgery .I have photos before surgery and AFTER surgery. I have many friends who will be able to witness that for me and I will be happy to share my experience and photos with anybody who would want to, on this forum or any media or any SOLICITORS or any court and Judges. I want to share my experience in the interest of public and fellow forum users so that they can avoid ROGUE companies !!!!!

  5. Dear Sir,


    Your comments about our company are inappropriate and damaging our reputation on this public forum. Most importantly those related to the success of your surgery are untrue.


    We have pictures after your surgery as evidences to demonstrate the results of your procedure, however we are unable to post them here without your consent as we respect your privacy and right for data protection.


    You had your surgery in November 2012 and almost every hair transplant specialist surgeon in the world would tell you that you needed to wait for 6-9 months before you can fully assess the results of your surgery. This is exactly what was communicated to you prior to your surgery on pre-operative instructions and after your surgery on post-operative instructions provided to you.


    However, instead of waiting for the required amount of time for your recovery, you instructed PayPal to withdraw your payment right after you returned to your home country. If you had good intentions, you would have first contacted our company, let us know how you felt about your surgery and had your questions addressed by your surgeon. Given that you decided to withdraw your payment immediately after your surgery was over and without letting any company official know, we are confident that your motives are totally financial. However we delivered the service that was promised, so you will be unable to receive any compensation. PayPal, an independent payment company, declined your withdrawal instructions as they found out about your ill intentions after their independent investigation. If you really had issues about the results of your treatment, you would have given us an opportunity to act on them, but you didn't.


    If you continue posting untrue claims and comments destructive to our reputation, I will have to ask our solicitors to deal with this matter further.







    I can confirm that all information given above was based on my experience and that the picture posted above was way after my surgery . I have many friends who will be able to witness that for me and I will be happy to share my experience and photos with anybody who would want to, on this forum or any media or any SOLICITORS or any court and Judges.

  6. Hello Everyone,


    I am the Managing Director of Longevita and wanted to address the claim posted by this individual here directly by myself to make sure you have full and accurate information regarding his case.


    This individual was in fact so happy about the outcome of his surgery, he even offered to partner with Longevita and refer patients to us from the UK. I am pasting his email below word by word so that you can interpret his motives yourself. At this point, I will not disclose his full name respecting his privacy:




    Thanks for all communication. I believe there is a big market for a great health travel industry at the moment. I wished myself to have a first hand experience of this, which I did through your company. As mentioned in one of my very earlier emails I would like to propose a business alliance on my part covering Manchester and surrounding catchment areas.


    I felt very strongly that to convince a prospective patient or a client a face to face interaction prior to engaging them in an interest and commitment is vital. Perhaps as your franchise I can cover Manchester operations, and I am convinced that this could be of our mutual business interest in the long run. I am open to further negotiations / suggestions on this matter.


    I am back in UK tomorrow. Please let me know if this is of any interest to you.


    Kind Regards"


    His proposal was rejected by Longevita. It is very disappointing to see now that the individual has been making such untrue claims just because his business proposal was rejected.


    On the other hand, Longevita has contracts with doctor enforceable under the law to make sure the treatments are performed under ethical, quality and hygiene standards set by the Turkish Ministry of Health. These contracts also ensure that although unlikely, in the event of a complication, the surgeon is required to provide a full refund or offer corrective treatment with no charge. Longevita patients have over 98% success rate in hair transplant operations in the last two years.


    In terms of the grafts, pictures are taken before and after the surgery and at different stages throughout the entire operation. Patient consent is obtained to proceed at various stages to make sure the patient is happy about the progress, graft numbers, etc. If the donor area permits more grafts than what was initially planned for the procedure, those additional grafts are transplanted free of charge by the surgeon. If the donor area does not provide the required number of grafts on the patient's treatment plan, then partial refund is provided to the patient. All the doctors we work with are members of the Turkish Medical Association and no surgeon would put their reputation and career at risk by misguiding patients about the graft numbers.


    Longevita has a very strict policy of selecting partner surgeons. Before partnering with any surgeon or clinic, we conduct background checks, review the qualification and malpractice insurance of the surgeon along with licenses with the relevant authorities in Turkey.


    Longevita is a private limited company registered both in England & Wales (Companies House Registration Number: 8332394) and in Turkey (Registration Number: 162414). With offices in London, Istanbul and Izmir, Longevita offers affordable and quality private medical procedures by specialist doctors at internationally certified healthcare providers in Turkey at a fraction of the cost one would incur in their home country.


    Longevita’s network of over 20 private clinics is based in Istanbul, Izmir, and Antalya focusing on Dentistry, Eye Surgery, Cosmetic Surgery and Hair Transplantation.


    If you require any further explanation about this case or have questions in general, you may call our free UK hotline at 0845 5198 948 or email info2@longevita.co.uk





    ************Well I am not here to blame anybody or tell bad things about any particular company as neither I have a hair transplant clinic and nor a company. I did have an idea to run a business franchise in UK BUT I wanted to experience the FACTS myself before I have had a franchise of any such company as I DID NOT WANT TO REPRESENT ANY COWBOY company, who only promised things to people but fail to deliver. All what I said in my earlier post was based on my experience with this company call LONGEVITA. The email mentioned above by the Longevita MD was just ONE DAY,, after my surgery. My advice in my earlier post was Based on my treatment , which I realised later that it was crap and useless. The company had also failed to provide the so called and promised day assistant whilst in Turkey for two days. That person emailed me when I inquired that company had never given them this duty ( I still have those emails).

    My advice is based on my experience which I learnt the hard way and sadly loosing all that money and going through the trauma of a surgery and regretted it later when I relaised what had happened. Even after about three months realizing that no hair are there on my head ( To show that I am not just playing with the words, I have as a proof, also attached my recent head/scalp photo for you, to decide for everybody, how I wasted ?3500 for NOTHING ) !!!!!! I wish I had been a member of this forum earlier and had read the posts of the fellow members to make the RIGHT decision ) Well at the end of the day people like me need to post about their experiences good or bad, so that other fellow members can make the right decision!!!! THINK BEFORE YOU CHOOSE ANY COMPANY to mess with your HEAD !!!!!!:confused:


  7. SkinTaj so sorry to hear what happen to you,, have you got in contact with Longevita? also are they willing to refund your money. Cause i have had a friend that had hair transplant through them and they gave him good results, not sure what they done wrong with you. Please dont just leave it as that as you need to make a complain and let everyone know if they are really ripping people off.


    I call them and email them many times but all I received back is a pre formattted response, I suppose they send to everybody who has not been happy..... RIDICULOUSLY they wrote " your hair MAY TAKE A YEAR TO SHOW as they are still UNDER THE SKIN """" !!!!:mad::confused:

  8. Hi everyone i wanted to know if anyone heard of a company called Longevita? or has used this company to have hair transplant treatment.


    They are based in Uk London and is global medical tourism facilitator operating as an ordinary partnership with a registered trademark in the United Kingdom. They mention on their website that they are approved by the Turkish Ministry of Health and hold quality and hygiene certificates from international bodies. Longevita works with surgeons who are members of the Turkish Medical Association as well as societies of respective specialist fields both in Turkey and abroad.



    So far i have approached this company and had video consultation with the doctor in turkey. They seem very genuine and professional, They have given me a quote for 4000 grafts and two days accommodation and airport transfers for ?2500 pounds.


    i will have done research on this company or doctor but nothing bad seems to come up about them, to me i dont know if they are good at their job so i would need Everyone's say on this matter and what they think about this company and what the best choice or option for me..


    Ideally i would like to visit Turkey for my hair transplant and looking for the best doctor in Turkey to get my hair transplant done, or if anyone could direct me to a well known doctor or have had hair transplant in Turkey then i would love to hear from you or your recommendation.


    I will provide link for company Longevita below so everyone can have a look and see the doctors profile.


    (promotional link removed)



    Looking forward to hearing everyone views, Thanks


    Kind Regards


    Foyez Uddin


    I used this company Longevita, and went to Turkey.

    They promised my 5000 graft... I had to pay 60% money upfront on booking and the rest cash in Turkey before going in operation room.

    but unfortunately as it happens , once you are on the table you dont know whats happening till after few weeks and months that you realise you were robbed in operating table DAY LIGHT !!!! With me besides other things main issue that happend is that I realised I paid for 5000 grafts but Longevita , paid only for 1000 GRAFTS to a company to do my surgery and so got a good chunk of my money in their pocket....

    By the time I realised what had happened, I was unable to get my money back from my credit card and also Paypal....

    so sadly now I know ..how Longevita makes money.... THEY DO SEND YOU TO TURKEY but you are hopeing you are getting 4000 or 5000 graft , as you paid for that many grafts but Longevita on your expenses strikes a deal with a surgery in Turkey for 1000 or so graft... and most of those people in Turkey did not speak English.

    So this is my sad story and experience with longevita, I thought I tell so you may learn.

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