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Posts posted by john7989

  1. I find this topic interesting. i'm 22 and i'm receding, i'm guaranteed to go bald, my uncle is, my dad is, but in all fairness it's never effected me with girls, i'm no Romeo but i do alright. Without sounding too big headed there's definitely worse looking lads out there than me.


    I don't believe that baldness has much do with attraction, simple example, my dad is in his late 40's and he's widowed, he's going out now with a very good looking woman, she has men around that age flocking around her, and she chose to be with him. Also i used to live in Spain and went to college there. 1 day i had a bit of a party at my house, and a friend of mine came around, a spanish girl, stunning, actually did modelling part-time. We went out into the back and my dad was next door at a neighbours BBQ, and he was just talking to me over the fence and my friend the girl said to me 'who;s that?' and i was like 'my dad' and her reply was 'seriously he looks like someone who should be by boyfriend' bearing in mind this girl was about 20 and modelling part-time, she could basically get anyone, and she likes my Dad, who's bald as a cueball, thats why i have doubts that baldness really matters that much. And she wasn't the only friend of mine who's a girl who fancies my dad. Like my ex-girlfriend for example always said to me 'i prefer you so much more with really short hair' and always wanted me to keep it short, she didn't like all that long styled type stuff. In case you're wondering the fact i'm receeding isn't the reason why we split up, but she was a pretty lass, and like i say i'm in my early 20's now, socialise mainly with girls who are sort of early 20's too and i've never really struggled massively, don't get me wrong i've had a few girls comment on it and have picked up on the fact i'm receding and if you just take it and make a bit of fun of it and not mind they love it. 90% of it is to do with confidence like a lot of people on here have said, and i think the problem is that a lot of men automatically feel inferior when they lose their hair and then lose all their confidence, and that is what females find unattractive.


    1 thing i have noticed though, like i go to the gym, with 2 mates from work one is mid 20's receding the other is late 20's and basically bald, but in the gym i'd say 85% of the men at my gym are bald or on the way, i don't know if thats like a subconscious thing in balding men to make up for it by making themselves more muscular and imposing. Just something to ponder there. Like i say when you think of baldness it is quite often associated with hooliganism too and fighters, lots of boxers and fighters are bald or shave their heads, so this makes you think women must think it does make men more masculine and attractive. Look at the bald examples women have mentioned here, Jason Statham, Vin Diesel etc always play the role of 'the hard nut' of you like which a lot of women seem to dig. Like i say a good head of hair can mean a pretty boy, which some women find a little bit effeminate. I don't think its all bad being a man and being bald. Like i say it depends how you carry it, confidence is a massive thing to women no matter what you look like. I have a mate who is about 5'7 6 stone wet through, has a big nose, but thinks he's Gods gift, and that works with so many women, he gets about a lot, and he's nothing much to look at.


    Anyway in conclusion after all that, my opinion is that its just confidence. I know loads of girls in their early 20's who find james gandolfini attractive as Tony Soprano, and even a few like Karl Pilkington.

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