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Posts posted by Ice

  1. I've been on propecia for about 5 months now and i've seen no slowing down of shedding or any thickening at all. My hairline has gotten worse and I'm not sure if propecia is working at all. I know this might be too early to say but i'm only 18 and thought maybe this would make me get at least some results quicker then a guy in his 30's.

    Am I just being too impetiant or should I give up on it and just accept that I will be almost bald before 20?

  2. Why can't you get Nizoral? I just got some today, it's in quite a few shops.....and only 6 pounds too


    Well, I don't think that it's sold in my country, but I'm not a hundred % sure. I just really wan't to avoid having to buy much more than just propecia but if it's not that expensive here and they do sell it, I will propably give it a try. But won't propecia be enough to stop it?

  3. Ok so has been thinning quite a bit but I started on Propecia a few months back. But when i pick at the part of my scalp that has thin hair there are very often little yellow balls on the end of the hair that I pulled out. Sometimes they're pretty big and easy to see. I suspect that it could be the sebaceous gland of that particular hair follicle that I just pulled out.

    I was just wondering if it really is the sebaceous gland and if it is, does that mean that the hair is dead and wont be able to grow back again?

  4. Hello Ice,


    Great to see you are taking a prudent approach and not falling for the gimmicks that are out there. Propecia is one of the only two FDA approved medications out there. Are you considering HT at any point? All the best, Michael


    Hey Micheal. Thanks for the reply :)


    I've read a lot about it and I don't think I'm going to have an HT, at least not any time soon, because I'm still too young to know the extensity og my M.P.B. It also costs a fortune in my country, I'd have to use all my savings from when I was 14, which I'm going to use for University. I'm just hoping that Propecia will be enough to at least stop the shedding.

  5. You are young and propecia works especially well on young folks. I suspect that you will see strengthening of your hair overall (many thin hairs growing thicker and overall healtheir hair) with the drug along with decreased fallout. However, most likely not major regrowth. You could be one of the lucky few that does and I hope that you are.


    Having said that, do not underestimate the value of overall hair thickeing and stabilized hairloss. It will make a difference in your overall look and battling hairloss overall.


    Thanks for the reply :) I'M really just hoping for thicker hair and maintenance. Anything else would just be a bonus :)

  6. Hey, I'm new to the forum but I have been lurking around for quite some time now. As the title suggest, I have a receding hairline and am only 18 years old. I have always had a high forehead but only recently have I been experiencing thinning on the top of my head and my hairline has been receding. It has really had an impact on my confidence and I don't go out with my friends anymore because of how self conscious I am about it. I started taking propecia(1mg) for about 2 months now and I know it's too early to see any results but was wondering about few things:

    1. I have a line of thin little "baby" hairs where my hairline used to be. Has anybody experienced it before and is it possible that those hairs will thicken up again or is it to late for them?

    2. I used to be able to grow long hair. If propecia works, will I be able to grow long hair again?

    Any feedback will be appreciated :)

    P.S. Sorry for the bad lighting :P









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