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John R

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Posts posted by John R

  1. I would like to thank everyone for the support and encouragement you have given me.

    As hard as it is for me, I attempted to temper my frustration here by not placing blame on the Doctor or practice. This is not the forum or venue to seek a resolution with them.


    Worth noting is that PAI operates in St.Louis with an agreement (of some unknown type) with a hair restoration company called Hans Wiemann. They provide "hair systems" and other hair restoration products and services. While the hair transplant services are marketed full time at this facility, the actual procedures are performed only several days a month (the actual scheduling is unknown to me). This one doctor travels to various PAI locations as stated previously. Regrettably if complications occur, it is conceivable that this single physician will not be available.


    I contacted the staff (nurse) by email with an attached picture and concerns on day 13. I went into the office that day and returned again on day 14 for suture removal. I did receive a call in this time period from my doctor who was at another location to check on me.


    I think I posted here on day 15 and received treatment with Dr. Samules on day 19.


    They (HT doctor) have offered to perform additional procedure(s) to correct/repair this. They have also offered me a hair piece to cover all of this in the interim.


    My question to all of you, if you were the man in those pictures:


    What would be your confidence level to return to this practice again?

    Could you expect the same complications again, or perhaps worse?


    I had a small procedure approximately 18 years ago at NHI. I was pleased with the results at that time. I started this journey again to just feel better about myself when I look in the mirror (as I expect most of us here do).


    Thanks again

  2. Marco2:

    Ironically my donor area healed well. I almost laugh (almost) when I hear patients complain about a donor area scar. God I wish that was my only problem.



    I am not sure if I will ever know what caused it and the full details of my "condition".

    To be honest.. I never heard of the word Necrosis before all of this.

    I went to my PCP who obviously in "general" practice is not an expert. He ran a culture swab and it came back negative.


    The St.Louis area has VERY limited HT doctors. My doctor from PAI Medical does not reside in the state and travels to various multi-state PAI locations. I actually did not have an exam by him again until 39 days after the surgery. I had an exam (2 actually at my own expense) by Dr. Samules 19 days after. His practice is hair transplantation and cosmetic dermatology. He is NOT affiliated with PAI Medical and he and his staff treated me with respect and dignity.

    I was going to PAI once or twice a week for the first few months to have a review and exam by a PAI staff member ( I believe her formal credentials is Registered Nurse).


    Dr. Samules placed me on antibiotics, a medicated shampoo and a regimen of 3 long showers a day and a weak mixture of H.Peroxide and water in a spray bottle.

    I used that spray every 30-60 min. of every waking hour for over 2 months.


    I have been given many possible reasons why this happened to me by my Doctor and staff.

    The bottom line is I am much worse off (financially, physically and emotionally) than when I walked in the door. The scaring and lack of hair in such an abnormal area of the scalp does not lend itself to a shaved or cropped style.

  3. Thank you Blake.

    Please understand I meant no disrespect toward you, this website or any member.

    I value everyones contribution here.

    I will continue to update with pictures if anyone is interested.

    05/01/12 will be the 5 month mark for me. I think the third from last picture posted is at 3.5 months. My procedure was performed at PAI Medical in St.Louis.

    All pre-operative and post-operative directions given to me were followed verbatim.

    There were approximately 6,000-7,000 donor hairs utilized. The number of grafts actually placed is unknown and that figure has never been provided to me.

    It took 82 days for the final and largest scab to fall off.

    I still hide in my house most of the time and rarely venture outside.

    Right now I am trying to let what is left grow out, so I can do an ugly comb over.

    Thanks to everyone for the support.


  4. Future HT Doctor:

    Of course I will share my story with you and your members.

    I had posted back in 12/15/11.

    You can see the historical photographs (I think) from my pre-op to 3.5 months.

    At the risk of offending you ..or anyone on this site, may I ask:

    Do you receive any compensation as a moderator, co-moderator or affiliation to this website?

    Do any Doctors listed here incur any financial cost to remain viable on this website?

    Are you you currently studying or practicing medicine based on your stated profile name?

    I wish to post my entire story to your members regardless of your answers to the above questions sir.

    Thank you again for your concern.

  5. Thank you to everyone who posted regarding my necrosis.

    I wanted to provide you with chronological documentation since my procedure.

    I will spare all of you the "drama" I have been living with the past four months.

    Right now just trying to heal (emotionally and physically).

    Living with a bad mistake..... is for me the hardest part right now.

    Thanks again,












  6. I just returned from my primary care (who is not an expert).

    He said it did not look like necrosis, however he did take a culture swab and will try to get the test back today.

    He said the antibiotic I am on is the proper course for now.

    I have an appt. with Dr. Samules Monday morning, then a follow-up with PAI that afternoon.

    Thanks for the link hairthere. How sad after all this I might have the same results.

    Is Dr. Humayun that did that procedure still recommemded on this site?

  7. Yes.. I am using very vigorus massage in the shower.

    I have been photographing daily and VERY slowly the size of these is diminishing.

    However I am very worried. Besides the obvious reasons, I would hate to lose all the grafts in those areas. Which leads me back to original post of information of what damage this can cause to these grafts.

    If I cant get into a Dr. today maybe a Dermatology doctor?

    I found a Dr. Samuels in my area. Trying to get in to see someone on short notice is a pain in the ass.

    Hair&Cosmetic Dermatology Center

    Thanks again for all thoughts

  8. Post-op was the next day 12/02/11 with a wash and exam.

    3 days of showering by just pouring cups of water over the area, then light/full contact with shower head after that.

    I will try to get an appointment today with another a Dr. (not much local here)

    Right now they advise 30 min warm wash cloth soak prior to shower, hibiclense wash, shampoo wash and blow dry. I am doing this 3 times a day. I am also on an antibiotic now.

    Just want to thank everyone for posting.

    This is my full time nightmare right now.

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