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Posts posted by deepak21

  1. I am 4 day post my FUE and fortunately having no pain in my donor/recipient area.Per my docs suggestion I did not wash my head and sprayed Neosporin power in donor area cpl of time.


    Though i fully trust my doc but still need second opinion.


    1) When should I wash my head ?

    2) Should my doc prescribe any cream/medicine for fast recovery ?


    Please look at my photos and comment how good/bad this HT ?


    He prescribed my following three pils that i am taking twice a day -


    Voveran 50

    Taxim -O 200mg

    Ocid 10



    Thank you all my friends.





  2. Another question about my HT - this is my evening after HT FUE and my doctor advised me not to wash hair for atleast 10 days and then use baby shampoo.Everywhere elese i read that right after HT we should wash our hair gently atleast three times a day.I am confused please advise ??


    He also did not prescirbed any minoxidil or rogain form thing,just pain killers and some antibiotics.


    IS he right ?

  3. Thanks for replying Dr Nigam and i am glad that you are here to help us.I was continue in touch with a lady of your clinic and she promised to email all the details that I was looking for and the confirmation of date of my choice since I had limited vacation but unfortunately I never got the email reply.

    I did a lot of research on your work and i almost convinced myself that I am going to get my HT done in your clinic but the communication did not work out well in this case.


    I just had HT with dr Krishna chaudhary today itself.My overall exp is okay and waiting for the results.I did this HT as a test and had 950 grafts placed in froth area and hoping for the nice result.


    Dr Krishna is also unknown to the HTnetwork website but after meeting him and his associate i got confidence that everything will go smooth so I took the step and got my first HT done here.I will post the pik soon,

  4. Hello friends,


    I am travelling to my home country and decided to take advantage of low cost HT as compared to Americas and filtered out Dr Vivek Nigam who seems to be providing a reasonable FUE HT.


    I personally spoke to him and everything looks okay so far but the only fear i have is that he doesn't have any review here in HT network or anywhere else.however he seems to be famous in the the city and perform HT work on celebrities.


    anyone who heard about him or know his work,Please help me to take decision.


    Thanks to all of you great ppl,You guys help a lot.



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