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Posts posted by GoodLookInkJeff

  1. This is a great question. In our experience, SMP actually works best with a little bit of growth. The pigmentation gives the appearance of density, yet the stubble gives the texture and dimension that pigmentation alone cannot provide. SMP is somewhat similar to the effect of dermmatch/toppik in that it gives density through coloration of the scalp. Likewise, SMP is applied with more density in your thinner areas, and blending is accomplished with lower density pigmentation in areas where there you have more hair. Essentially, there is an inverse relationship—the less density you have, the more we add (and vice versa).


    Hair Length: It is important to note that, depending on the density of your hair, you will want to keep your hair very short (probably no more than a 2 guard on a clipper). While your pictures show that you will probably have some flexibility, clients who have more distinct boundaries around thin areas (like a bald spot on a crown) are more likely to have to shave tighter to prevent the appearance of dimensional issues. Also, allowing the sides and back to grow longer will make the top to the scalp look too light. Basically, the SMP process restores balance between areas with naturally occurring pigment from your hair with areas where there is less pigment. Growing the sides out makes them appear too dark in relation to the top.


    The cost is going to vary based on where you have your procedure. The aforementioned 2k-5k range is a fair estimate.


    As for having a HT following an SMP procedure, there is very little risk of complication. We work closely with Dr. Shapiro and have yet to experience any issues. It is necessary to allow the pigmentation to cure for 30 days prior to receiving surgery. It is typically necessary for HT to heal for much longer (estimates vary from 6-12 months, and should be assessed individually) prior to receiving SMP.


    The combination of HT and SMP typically yields great results as SMP can add the density which may be difficult through HT, and HT provides the texture and dimension that SMP cannot. Dr. Shapiro has a few great examples on another forum. I will try to obtain the Post-FUE/SMP photos and share them here.

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