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Posts posted by cliffjack

  1. I hear that some doctors combine multiple folicular units into single grafts. I realize that with a limited donor-area supply the surgeon can't increase the total density in a session by doing this, but I'm wondering if strategically placing some grafts of this type, especially some distance behind the hair line can give a better illusion of density given the typical angles from which a person is viewed by others. I'm also wondering if this approach actually permits grafting more density when the donor strip is large relative to the recipient area.


    It seems that transplant surgeons work with single-follicle units, mulitple-follicle FU's, and FU's that are a combination of individual FU's. In reading various web postings I see that it's clear that surgeons put single FU's on the hair line, and multiple-follicale FU's behind that. But I find little beyond this written about the placement of different types of FU's and even less written about single grafts composed of multiple FU's (MFU's).


    It seems that when there isn't enough donor hair in a session to create sufficient density in the recipient area, then one has to adopt some strategy regarding how to place the limited supply of hair in a single session. Combining FUs into single grafts may be a part of one strategy.


    If I understand correctly, there is a limit on how close to each other grafts can be placed, due to limits on the blood supply. So I'm wondering if using MFUs permits a surgeon to pack more hair in a given area. Any comments would be appreciated. I'm not taking a position on this; I'm just asking for opinions. I realize that MFU's can't increase the total hair removed from the donor area and available for placing in grafts. But perhaps they can contribute to a different and useful strategy for placing grafts in some cases?


    A related issue is the bigger question regarding strategies for placing grafts. Of course, it appears to be common knowledge that single-hair units get placed at the hair line. But what other strategies exist? Some possible examples:


    1. Place more hair on one side of the top of the head when the person combs hair sideways across the top of the head. For example, a person who combs the hair from left to right might be better able to comb over a thin area if more hair is transplanted toward the left side of the apex.


    2. Just spread the hair around evenly to the recipient are, even though the the result will leave the person with fairly thin hair. Then just leave the rest for a second surgery.


    3. Give priority to the the front of the head and ignore the crown. This seems to be a common practice. But what if there's enough donor hear to provide 50% density and 25% density on the crown?


    Of course, the doctor could/should discuss these things with patients, but I suspect that many doctors don't, and if they do, their patients probably just ask the doctor for advice on what to do.


    I believe in patients being informed as possible and able to make good choices without having to rely only on the advice of a doctor. After all, different doctors have different approaches and opinions, so if noting else just understanding different strategies can help in selecting the right doctor.


    I'm mainly interested here in the strategies that doctors use/can use for placing a limited supply of hair. I know that the the choice of strategy depends on many factors such as the patient's age, familial patterns of hair loss, the color of the hair relative to skin color, the thickness of the hair, its straightness, the available supply, the possiblity of future surgeries, the hair style, personal preferences, and so on. But I am not concerned here about how to select the best strategy. I'm merely interested in simply what strategies exist for placing grafts when the goal is for a single surgery and the supply is good enough to provide, say, only 30% coverage in the recipient areas if the donor hair is spread around evenly. Using MFS's is just one such strategy. What do you think of this strategy, and what other strategies are used?




    Depending on your hair characteristics, you should focus on creating enough density (usually 50% of normal or better). This will give an overall illusion of a full head of hair, but leave more for other areas. So, IMO, shoot for 50% of whatever your normal native density is and use the rest to cover other areas such as the crown. But, from personal experience, you don't want to spread it too thin or avoid the crown/vertex completely. Otherwise, you will look like you are sporting a "front to back" combover, which is a telltale HT sign b/c it doesn't have a typical "receding hairline" pattern ... that of a man with MPB. It may look unnatural and def like something is 'weird' about it.


    Any good HT surgeon will know (should know) what is best for your specific needs and situation. You should ask these questions to him/her when you consult with them. They could tell you what they think at least. It couldn't hurt.


    But, don't ignore the crown completely, IMO. I did that and it looked kind of ass.

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