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Posts posted by johnbradley

  1. Thanks so much for the info, Raphael. I'll shoot you a pm later on and get those links off you if you don't mind! I live in Scotland so I should be able to use them.


    Also, I took some new photos. I gave myself a buzz cut to have a better look. Without the flash the thinning doesn't look too bad. But with the flash, it's exposing a lot of scalp and it looks really thin and shows more detail. My hairline doesn't look as bad when it's short, ironically. I think the my long fringe made my hairline look like it was receding worse. Weird!


    But I took a profile photo as well with flash and it exposes a lot of my scalp from the side, too. I don't know if I just have thin hair everywhere.


    Really confused.



  2. I really appreciate all this advice! Seriously it's already stopped me stressing so much. Looking at photos from 2 and a half years ago, my hairline doesn't seem to be that much lower. I always have had a widows peak anyway, ever since I was a kid. I think maybe the thinning of the hair is making me focus on a receding hairline that isn't as bad as I actually think. I never used to notice any hairs coming out in the shower. And over the last year I'm counting up to 10 hairs in the bath pretty much every time I shower. Who knows how many is actually coming out that I haven't spotted. The thinning is definitely there as sometimes in harsh lighting I can see more of my scalp than I ever could before. My Mum's Dad and Brother are completely bald so I'm expecting to go down that route.


    I don't want to start taking regaine at the age of 21 and continue for the rest of my life when I might not need it. I'd be happy to have the hair I have just now for as long as I can. What would be the best way to do that? Any particular brand of tablets? Already using the alpecin shampoo and liquid.


    I realise how much of a noob I sound. I literally have no experience with this and all the different names for chemicals, treatments and what they do etc is confusing!

  3. Thanks a lot, guys. It's good to hear I'm just being paranoid. Although I'm definitely going to go bald at some point so I'd like to do all I can to keep as much of my hair as possible. Boots is doing a deal just now. 12 month supply of regaine for ?180. Other than this. What other things would you recommend taking alongside this? I don't know what the best brands are etc for propecia. I already bought alpecin double strength shampoo and alpecin liquid.


    Is there anything else I can be doing?

  4. Hey all. First post here. In fact, first post in any forum of this kind. I guess by registering to a hairloss forum I'm finally admitting I'm suffering the early stages of male pattern baldness.


    My Dad has a full head of hair to this day and he's 46. I'm 21 and have more of a receeding hairline than him and more thinning at the crown. My mum's Dad and brother are totally bald at the top. I know the bald gene comes from the Mother's side so I've came to terms (sort of) that I'm probably getting this from her side of the family.


    Like everyone else, It's really getting me down to the point where I'm constantly thinking/stressing about it, probably resulting in even more hairloss!


    I've decided I'm going to start using regaine to help regain some thinned hair on my crown, however looking into things I discovered that this won't help my hairline.


    I was wondering if anyone on here had any experience with hair transplants who could help me out a bit.


    I want to restore my hairline but not sure how many grafts I would need to bring my hairline down to the level I want it. I've attached a photo of my head, one of the images has a red line marking where I'd like my hairline to be. I just want it to be a bit straighter and lower.


    Does anyone know roughly how many grafts I would need and what the usual cost of such a procedure would be?


    Would really appreciate any feedback!




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