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Posts posted by Propeciaisfun

  1. hey all

    I have been off the drug for about 3.5 weeks now and I am still having testicular pain on and off as well as breast tenderness. The scariest things is that my testicles have shrunk massively in volume. I was wondering if anyone had this experience with finasteride. If they did, how long did it take the testicles to go back to their normal size? I am really quite scared as I am only 23

  2. Here is an update about 3 weeks later. I started sleeping a whole lot better and not having to urinate as much (interestingly these were two things I went to the doctor about not connecting them to the propecia). My libido is not quite where it was before but I am confident it will get back up there. Finally, I still keep getting the breast tenderness albeit less frequently than when I was on the drug. I am assuming that too will keep going away.


    Take care

  3. Thought I'd give you a one week update. Been off the drug for a week now. Breast tenderness and testicular pain all subsided. Feel like a million bucks and my ejaculate is much thicker now. Propecia was simply not for me. Good luck to you all in your follicular challenges.

  4. Hey. I stopped the Drug Last wednesday. I can keep you guys updated with the recovery process if you like? The side effects were too scary for me to continue and I realized that hair really is not that important to me at all.

  5. I booked an appointment with my doctor in two weeks. I also noticed my testicles appear to have shrunk!!? Has anyone had this problem with propecia and if so did it go away after you stopped? (I have been off of it for 4 days now but the aching has gotten a tiny bit worse). I am starting to get a little bit scared!!

  6. Hey guys,


    I am a 23 year old male .and I have been on 1 mg propecia for 2 months. I have had relatively minimal side effects (I think my libido actually increased which doesn't really make sense). However, the other day I noticed some pain in both of my nipples. It is like a dull throbbing pain and is not there all of the time.


    It has been going on for about 4 days now and I was wondering if I should just wait it out and see if it stops ,or stop the meds all together because to me gyno is worse than hair loss. I've had some good results with the actual hair though!

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