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Posts posted by Altdot

  1. I had FUE with Dr. Rahal in Ottawa 7 years ago and basically my hair is back to square one. I had my crown done and it looked pretty good the first 2 -4 years but now it looks pretty much as it did before so I'm very disappointed considering the huge financial outlay and low long term results. Didn't realize that a high percentage of the transplanted hair would be permanent - that was the whole point of the procedure. 

    IF anyone has any suggestions for Toronto/ GTA that would be great - I've checked out Sure Hair but the surgeon is a dermatologist and also does hair restoration. I'm looking for someone that only does hair restoration.


  2. @savehair yes I believe you get more hair from fut but I'm not sure. I only needed 2100 but the reason I even went ahead with this was because of the fue method.


    I didn't really want a chunk of flesh taken out and have a big scar plus extra recovery/healing time.

    FUE is more $$$ but I think after a week you won't hardly see anything was done in the donor area. We'll see soon !

    There are pros and cons to each so I would ask your questions to a professional. Chad from dr. Rahal's office was very helpful.


    I've never had any type of surgery before so was a bit nervous and it was surreal to be honest.

    My overall experience was great. Staying at the guest house was very helpful as I sat and talked to other guys that just had procedures done in the last few days. Guess it makes things easier when you meet others in the same situation. I have some very slight swelling at the crown but nothing else. The tough part is done and it wasn't really that tough at all so it's all about the cleaning, healing procedures now.


    Hope that helps

  3. Dr rahal started the extractions for about 10 min to make sure I was good candidate for fue. After that mike did the rest with assistants helping him. Dr rahal popped in a few times to check how it was going.

    Dr rahal did all the incisions which is where the artistry/ skill is apparently needed for density, depth, angle of hair etc.


    Mike and others then did the insertion. With the strip method rahal does that part also.

    Hope clarifies it

  4. So it's the day after surgery. I feel fine and the experience was a lot better than I expected.

    Everyone at dr rahals office was great. It was a long day and felt tried and a bit out of it at the end

    I'll post some before and after pics.

    Now the after care kicks in with cleaning, vitamin e oil etc for the next 7-14 days.

    Overall I'm happy and now it's just a waiting game


    I stayed at the guest house and its 5 min away from dr Rahal's office- hily recommended. Clean and convenient. It's a large house and I met some great guys from the US, Spain and Italy. It was good to see people had just had their surgery a few days before so I picked their brain to find out the process and how their experience was.


    I heard the freezing part was uncomfortable but I didn't find it that bad at all. It's a weird feeling with the extraction but not uncomfortable. I actually feel asleep twice. Mike was great and did the extractions. Then DR. Rahal did the incisions and then a break for lunch. The insertion began and started to feel a little discomfort and I asked for more freezing.


    Laying in 1 position for a long period does make you a bit sore but I took a break here and there.

    Right after everything was finished I felt really tired as I didn't sleep much the night before and heavy headed. I got back to the guest house took Tylenol 3 and ate and felt much better and hung out with the guys.


    Today is just a kick back and relax type of day and let the healing begin.

    Ask if anyone has any questions.

    I had 2100 fue grafts in the crown / mid scalp area.

  5. Neograft is just a tool. What matters is the experience and skill of the dr. performing the procedure is what people seem to say here. I don't want the big strip scar so FUE is the option I'm considering


    I don't care if they do other procedures as long as they do a good job with what I'm looking for.


    As mentioned in previous post apparently dr. Mulholland teaches other surgeons about the neograft system.


    Update : I have booked a consultation in a few weeks which cost $100 which will go towards the cost if I decide to proceed with him.

  6. Hi all


    I'm wondering why there is nothing in this forum about dr. Mulholland in Toronto?

    Apparently he teaches other dr's in north America the neograft system and is also promoted on the neograft website?

    Anyone with experience with him?


    He's been around a long time, granted hair restoration is not the only thing he does but just seems strange there is no information here?



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