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Blog Entries posted by Altdot

  1. Altdot
    So it's the day after surgery. I feel fine and the experience was a lot better than I expected.

    Everyone at dr rahals office was great. It was a long day and felt tried and a bit out of it at the end

    I'll post some before and after pics.

    Now the after care kicks in with cleaning, vitamin e oil etc for the next 7-14 days.

    Overall I'm happy and now it's just a waiting game

    I stayed at the guest house and its 5 min away from dr Rahal's office- hily recommended. Clean and convenient. It's a large house and I met some great guys from the US, Spain and Italy. It was good to see people had just had their surgery a few days before so I picked their brain to find out the process and how their experience was.

    I heard the freezing part was uncomfortable but I didn't find it that bad at all. It's a weird feeling with the extraction but not uncomfortable. I actually feel asleep twice. Mike was great and did the extractions. Then DR. Rahal did the incisions and then a break for lunch. The insertion began and started to feel a little discomfort and I asked for more freezing.

    Laying in 1 position for a long period does make you a bit sore but I took a break here and there.

    Right after everything was finished I felt really tired as I didn't sleep much the night before and heavy headed. I got back to the guest house took Tylenol 3 and ate and felt much better and hung out with the guys.

    Today is just a kick back and relax type of day and let the healing begin.

    Ask if anyone has any questions.

    I had 2100 fue grafts in the crown / mid scalp area.
  2. Altdot
    so it's day 11


    was good to finish vit e after 1 week.

    now just wanting some hair growth before the xmas holidays !

    finished antibiotics after day 10 so just a few days away when I can have a normal shower and have the scabs come off.

    I think they shaved or trimmed my donor/ recipient areas shorter than what they cut the rest of my hair to grade 1.

    I wish they have done everything the same length so it grows back the same - now you can see the donor area is shorter which looks a bit stupid - I'll have to fix that in a couple weeks with a haircut - that's my worst complain but not that bad.


    I posted some updated pictures also
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