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Dr. Nida Hawash

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Posts posted by Dr. Nida Hawash

  1. What I know that Dr Fremont has been engaged in HT since 30 years, and currently running his clinic and work with HC, and almost has 2-3 cases a week. I don't know about Financing questions, but he is very good in doing sergical HR.

    If you go to Hair Club, they will charge you in triple more and Dr. Fremont is the one who is going to do the HT for you!? Go to Hair Club for consultation and see who is going to make you this consultation with this well known club.

    Hope this helpful.

  2. Hi,

    It is normal that hair may be lost as a shock result on HT's procedure, but normally after 7-9 months it grows again, so you have to wait some time and see...

    For the scar: The wider the scar is the worse the closure would be and the bigger the scar will be, we usually recommend max 1.4cm width in donor area and we can get up to 27 cm length strip, which gives us about 2500-3000 grafts, and this amount it enough to cover big area of bald. When we do the HT, scar area almost invisible. Hope this answer may satisfy you


    Dr. Nida & Larry Fremont@ Physician's Hair Loss Clinics in Toronto/Richmond Hill

  3. Hi,

    1. Propecia will not help you re-grow lost hair, it will ONLY speed down the lossing process.

    2. Propecia has some effects on sex drive, it might go down after few months of use, as DHT (Dihydrotestosterone)5?±-Dihydrotestosterone

    Here is some professional info on it:

    (is a biologically active metabolite of the hormone testosterone, formed primarily in the prostate gland, testes, hair follicles, and adrenal glands by the enzyme 5?±-reductase by means of reducing the 4,5 double-bond. Dihydrotestosterone belongs to the class of compounds called androgens, also commonly called androgenic hormones or testoids. Androgens are part of the biology of gender by stimulating and controlling the development and maintenance of masculine characteristics. DHT is 3 times more potent than testosterone; testosterone is 5-10 times more potent than adrenal androgens.

    While DHT is best known for its roles in causing male pattern hair loss and prostate problems, it is crucial to virilization and is necessary to mitigate estrogen's effects in men.)SO PROPECIA WILL BLOCK, AND SEX DRIVE MAY GO DOWN

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