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Posts posted by amanmehra11

  1. How rapid was your hairloss prior to your surgery? Did you have steady loss over a number of years (e.g 10)? or were you experiencing a sudden loss/increase over say the last 2?


    It might be that you are just continuing to loose your remaining native hairs, as the receesing parts of your sclap where hair was transplanted seem to still have coverage.


    Also, you may just be experiencing some seasonal shedding, it happens a couple of times a year. For me, one of the times is in the summer, which is double bad as my hair goes a lot lighter so looks even thinner!


    Just wait a month or 2 and see how things progress or get worse. You still have great coverage so nothign to worry abotu at this stage.







    the shedding from past couple of weeks is much more than the usual shedding.

    i also hope it turns out to b just seasonal shedding..

  2. Hi All,


    Thanks again for yer help on my last issue which was most appreciated. I am in a small bit of trouble again though and would appreciate some advice please


    I had a hair transplant approx 10 weeks ago by FUT method. Approx 2,500 grafts placed in the temples and towards the front one third of the top my head forward to the hairline.


    I always had a bit of an issue with dandruff but over the past week or two in particular I am getting severe dandruff and feel very itchy at times in the general area I got the hairs transplanted.


    My first question is is this normal and expected in my circumstances? Approx 5 weeks after the surgery I went back to using the Regaine again but only in the crown and the area towards the back of my head where there is no real hairloss. I have being avoiding using it in the transplanted area.


    Also wondering if it is ok to take up using the Nizoral shampoo again this soon after the HT? I had being using the Nizoral before the HT about twice a week, maybe more often if the dandruff got bad and to be fair it was controlling it very well generally. Also worth mentioning that I use concealer in the area where I got the HT done


    Finally is there anything in addition I could/ should do to improve my situation?


    Many thanks in advance.


    Hi Buddy,


    We both have exactly similar case. I also had problem of dandruff and followed up with my doc every 15-20 days. You will get fine just give it some time and keep using nizoral shampoo atleast 2-3 days a week.i started having dandruff and flaking problems after 2 months but now i am 6 months post op and problem has diminished to large extent.

    Rest assured dandruff will not affect your results and by chance if some transplanted hair fall with the dandruff flakes,they will grow back. Just dont peel them . I will suggest regular oil massage. It will help in fighting with dryness.


    All the best

  3. This timeline gets banded around a bit as a growth timeline and i pretty much agree with it from experience and what ive seen around. Still got a way to go.


    Can expect more growth and more importantly maturing of all hair thats transplanted. The hair shafts becoming thicker and more course and changing colour. Thus reducing scalp visibility.


    Additionaly hair groups first appear as 1's then grow in 2's, 3's,4's. Hopefully you had good group figures.


    3 months - 10%

    4 months - 25%

    5 months - 40%

    6 months - 60%

    7 months - 70%

    8 months - 75%

    9 months - 80%

    10 months - 90%

    11 months - 95%

    12 months - 98%

    18 months - 100%


    Bobilero, nice and new piece of info. Thanks .appreciate it.

  4. The head on looks good, the top down is a little see through. That said, were those areas even planted? An immediate post op will help.


    Look at the photo that Dr. Alexander posted, massive difference between 5 months and a year. You will likely get more growth.


    Hi Spanker..

    Thanks for ur comments.

    I dont have good quality post op pics. All the head visible in 2nd pic was trasnplanted. So u can have an idea from that pic.

    I was expecting a good density but it seems that full scalp covering will also not happen :(

  5. I see a big difference from preop to now. 6 months is not the end of the game. Give it anoth 2 to 3 months then evaluate. Who was your surgeon?


    Thanks for ur review. Can I expect more density in coming months??


    As of now I cannot share the name of the surgeon due to some personal reasons.

  6. Hi All,

    How much growth should we expect after 6 months. I am 6 months post op but the growth is not as expected. I can see the scalp in normal day light. Please have a look at the attached pics and let me know your reviews.

    I had 2500 grafts


    First 3 pics are current pics and last two are preop

  7. Hair does start to grow at 3 months after the procedure, but they don't all come out at the same time. It usually takes about 7-8 months to have all of yours growing, but many of them will be noticeable around 3-4 months and then they will begin to get thicker and more substantial around 6-7 months and a full result around 12-14 months.


    Thank you for the inputs :)

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