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Posts posted by personanongrata

  1. Here's my quick update guys. So for 3 days they implanted 500 each day. 1500 in total. I thought I needed more but dr keser said that will be enough. Originally we were going for dense packing but because I was bleeding too much we went for something slightly less dense. He said I can come back for a top up of 500/800 grafts if needed but from what's growing at the moment I'm happy with the average look. So it's been exactly a week now and it's still a little red but all scabs have gone.


    if you save the image and zoom in you can see it clearer. any questions let me know. will update again in a few weeks.



  2. Here's my quick update guys. So for 3 days they implanted 500 each day. 1500 in total. I thought I needed more but dr keser said that will be enough. Originally we were going for dense packing but because I was bleeding too much we went for something slightly less dense. He said I can come back for a top up of 500/800 grafts if needed but from what's growing at the moment I'm happy with the average look. So it's been exactly a week now and it's still a little red but all scabs have gone.

  3. So guys my procedure is on monday! i am feeling a little bit nervous but i need to do it. If the world doesnt end this year then 2013 will hopefully be a good year for me, my confidence back up and feeling good about myself and a good hairline.


    I have the hotel booked and just need to convert ? to euros. Flying locally from Birmigham. I am there from Monday-Thursday evening.


    I will keep you guys posted and do some before after shots.


    Anybody else recently had their procedure done with DR Keser?

  4. Basically I used to have a turban for 20 years. The hair is always tied into a ball on the top of your head. Like in some Buddha portraits. I never really looked after my hair in the teen years where as other people with turbans kept their hair in pristine condition. The frontal thinning is the cause of that because in photos when I'm aged 1-10 the hairline is good then from 11-20 it's gradually became what's in the photos. I cut my locks 7 years ago now. Regret it a little since I felt the Samson effect haha

  5. I'm new guys! So here's my story I will try and keep it short!


    I'm 27 male from the uk. I am from a northern Indian (punjabi) background.


    I don't suffer from hair loss and no one in my family does. Your wondering why I'm here now???


    Well my hairline has thinned over time and now is limp and whispy, it doesn't match the rest of my hair. I will attach photos when I get to my PC. It's thinned at the front because I used to wear my hair tied back and tight for years and years until eventually i got to this stage. I can easily cover it up but it's got to the point where I want to fix it and try different hairstyles.


    I have been in touch with dr keser and he has free dates at the end of nov.


    How much grafts do you think I need? I'm guessing between 1500-2000 looking at other people's posts


    side view of hairline



    the donor area below.





    the hair line


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