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Posts posted by londonboycharlie

  1. Hopefully it doesn't prompt people to make rash decisions regarding their own situations. The media shove physical perfection down our throats these days and pick holes in anybody who deosn't fulfill their notion of how someone should look...sad really and shows what kind of a world we live in...vacuous and superficial.

  2. Rob you are fortunate to have been unaffected by the medication in all those years of usage. However the fact remains that there is no way of knowing prior to starting consumption of Finasteride whether or not you will suffer any sides. Also I think the low % of those who will suffer sides that the manufacturers claim is frankly bs. Look at all the lawsuits pending in the US and the increasing research out there that claims that some users will suffer permanent adverse affects. Anecdotally I can tell you that a close friend of mine's relationship with his partner was wrecked by his usage of the drug. I agree that such cases are probably in the minority all the same. Hopefully a reliable alternative will be available in a few years. Good luck to you. Charlie

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