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Posts posted by hairmee

  1. Update: I am 46 now and never did anything. I haven't been on this board for years.... not sure what brought me here tonight. ;)


    I am honestly perplexed looking around on the internet and these forums that there is not a cure even close yet. Pretty Interesting to me. I have slowly receded from 2009 but still glad I have not done anything. However, the thought is still there...... take care guys and thanks for the posts from the past.

  2. Guys... I am very appreciative in your candor responses to both of my posts. I will not attempt to waste time in protracted conversations about those of you trying to figure me out from what I wrote in my first post. I respect all of your opinions, however, I am human and feel there is no way if you are on this web-site that you have not experienced my same experiences above. Just no way bro! We are all men (maybe a few women) on here that feel it is highly important to look and feel our best. Me spending 10K on FUE let's say and chase time and more money if I had to cover up and go to FUT (which I will never do).... may not be my best thing to do. I get that I may never take the risk. It is what it is! I am just expressing the doldrums/blues that come along with this hair-loss problem. I hope that I have not misled anyone that I was about to jump off a bridge or anything. lol! Of course, I would like to get my hair to a point that is satisfactory to me. However, Time off work, money that I could spend elsewhere are big deals to me if there is no guarantee it will look decent. Furthermore, chasing future loss knowing that I am not a meds guy is not something I am ready to do. Hair-loss is progressive. 1.) Why don't I get fixed over 2K grafts or less? Well it's a bit complicated for me. First, I will NOT do FUT (ever). FUE will be my only road because my hair is thin and I've always kept it to a 2 or 3 guard on the sides and back. I know that I do have the best contrast to skin (light brownish Blonde to fair skin). Also, if something does progress I could buzz my hair short and still have a bit of a hair line all around. In addition, all the research that I have done points to a flaw that it seems like there would be tons of guys out there with FUE procedures that I could talk to. I mean tons! It seems all of these clinics that do great work that have provided me a patient list, just can't find anyone around Northern Kentucky. I can tell you guys that I really haven't see anyone post on this thread that brags about the same exact feelings they had and that their HT was the best thing they've ever done. I'm just saying..... I guess when I get more posts of success stories of FUE transplants then the ones that are concerned for my situation, then I know for sure I have a winner in this. I just have not put my finger on the lack of successes stories related to how many procedures these clinics do combined in a month/ year over year. I want to see (in person) an FUE success. I have talked to a lot of guys that regret the FUT that went FUE on their second. They all have said....never do FUT. I trust that whole heartily because out of 10 FUT's that went FUE they all had the same theme. These guys were all over the country.....nowhere close as in a couple hour drive. In contrast, I have also talked to guys that went to a reputable Dr (wont say) that does tons of FUE's that got mediocre results. So this Hair-loss world is full of crap that you must navigate carefully...... remember it's your head so use it before you cut on it! lol! I do feel within my lifetime that there will be hair cloning (stem cell transplantation/rejuvenation) in the coming years. Replicel, Histogen, Aderans are onto some exciting stuff. I especially like the replicel videos and what they are doing. Very interesting. If that day ever comes... FUE is in the cards for sure depending on how expensive the cloning might be. Have a great night. I'll try to post some pics soon

  3. LOL! I love this thread. I knew that there would be guys coming to their own conclusions that I have "deeper" problems causing me to write what I did. How they are so wrong!


    Nobody and I mean nobody walks in my shoes but me. So to pass judgment is silly. I don't need to explain that what I wrote is something that bothers me. It doesn't matter if I need 500 grafts or 20,000 grafts. It's the fact that you guys that posted here have the same problem I do and took the time to read my fascinating post because you've all been there or are going through it. I understand that this is not a psychological board of help. This is a hair loss website to share with others the issues / experiences that this hair-loss cancer infested disease causes.


    Do I realize I might have it better than most? Well of course, this Hair-loss has not stopped me from living my life. It's just a nagging experience that drags you down like zenmunk explained above.


    The hair-loss and transplant world is very interesting. To answer all of you: I have not done any surgery because of the simple fact that you only have a limited donor supply to handle a lot of coverage. I am not a meds guy and propecia gave me bad side affects. (I'm not alone in that category). As I only need 2K grafts now at 40, I could be a NW6 and like I said above....would seriously regret this later.


    The reason I ask what should I do, well it's simple. I have seen awesome results with transplants and a lot that don't look that great in my opinion. The ones that look great are those that can be densely packed and temples taken care of for the smaller sessions. However, most docs do not take that risk and plan for future surgeries. So I know the industry is perfected with the right doctor. We just need more hairs to complete the picture.


    So do I take the risk now and regret it later? It's simple, any regret is the biggest risk of all! God blessed me with more than you will ever know. I'm not messed up...just a human being that cares a little about myself.

  4. You know everyone? I sit here tonight after going for a nice drive thinking about my usual problem that strikes me every day of my life. Yes, it's suffering from a receding hairline for the past 10 years and I'm now 40 years old.


    Here, I am a guy that likes to dress professionally, take care of my body, always wants to be presentable in life in every situation. I have been married for 18 years and have a great family and career. I like to play amatuer golf tournaments and am actually good at it. However, I never thought in my wildest dreams, that as a kid, I would have done so well for myself and my family to live so empty after accomplishing everything and not be able to control this Hair-Loss cancer that has affected me more than anyone would care to know. I am really sad, so I wanted to write this submission to this community to help get this out of my system.


    I just can't believe or even explain to anyone the grief I have dealt with over the years with my hair. I can't even explain myself or express my pain to anyone of the issues that I try to hide and monitor on a daily basis.


    I can't even explain to anyone how many times I look into the mirror while I am using the bathroom checking the status of my situation.


    I can't explain how it feels to sit at a bar to see your reflection in a mirror facing the bar while you are trying to relax and have a beer.


    I can't explain how it feels when I have been out in the rain and feel great physically but then go inside to dry off just to stand their in front of a mirror in horror to stare at someone that is not you.


    I can't explain how it feels to take a shower every day and dread getting cleaned up because you know that you will need to dry your hair and be forced to stare at yourself while you attempt to cover up this Hair-recession Cancer.


    I can't explain the vitamins I take to help control a possible deficiency that I think might be causing the problem.


    I can't explain the different foods I eat always thinking "maybe this will help my hair"


    I can't explain the times I stick my head out the window of my car and let the wind blow back my landing strip and high temple hairline just to get upset or on the good days think that it's not that bad.


    I can't explain what it feels like to play in golf tournaments or with my weekend buddies on the golf course to feel great about myself but to take off my hat at the end of the round and totally ruin my day by looking in the rear view mirror of the car while I am leaving the course. Just to be upset the rest of the day.


    I can't explain what it feels like to be outgoing and in sales while you can't be yourself or at your best inside. Even though everyone sees that you are the best.


    I can't explain to anyone the hours I've spent carefully researching an option that would be permanent, natural, and me.


    I can't explain the times I walk in front of pictures with glass reflections of downtown buildings that show your reflection as you walk past that I look into them and..... not look at the picture but to be asphyxiated to the light passing through my receding hairline. Just to ruin my day or moment in time.


    I can't explain the times I see my picture taken and I totally freak out to what I actually look like. Again tearing me down.


    I can't explain how many times I've told my wife how much this bothers me.


    I can't explain how it feels to speak in front of a friend or family member when my hair is longer and the wind is blowing really hard.


    I can't explain what it feels like to go to a barber and humiliating yourself with some hair that the barber does not know what to do with. At the same time, a older client sits and waits in front of you with a full head of hair. One of my worst experiences so I cut my own hair now.


    I can't explain how many brain interrupts that my hair loss had plagued me with. It is unbelievable!


    I can't explain how different I would have been if I didn't have to deal with this all these years.



    Yes,I have been on this website since late 2004, I've visited Dr Parsley, Dr. Ron Shapiro, Dr Wolf, Dr Cooley in person as well as meeting up with and consulting numerous guys regarding their procedures...and I mean numerous!


    My experience looking for a solution has been exhausting. I have learned a lot during this process and want everyone to know that I am happy as hell that I have not had my head cut on. I tried propecia several times and while people claim that there are no side affect....I have to tell you I was growing moobs and felt like I was aging faster. (yeah I know, there will be a lot of people telling me it psychological but I disagree.) Therefore I do not take that medication.


    So to sum up this submission, I like to wear my hair short. I can't believe people get their heads cut open for a cure. The reason I say this is FUE would not have become so popular of FUT was no big deal. No-one wants a scar but everyone including myself would like to have unlimited donor supply.


    I have been researching Replicel, Histogen, Aderans...etc. But until then I am a sad Human being that I am waiting for a solution to become reality.


    by the way, I only need about 2000 grafts tops to conceal my situation. I am scared to death that I will be chasing something and regretting this later down the road or I have this done and it's too thin or too thick. Also to mention I am depressed that FUE or FUT is extremely expensive in my opinion.


    I honestly don't know what to say on this board...it's like I want an answer so bad and there is not one. I will have so many of you guys rip me like I am depressed and need psychological counseling etc. I am just expressing the reality of this Hair loss problem. I will guarantee if you are reading this thread, you have experienced what I have explained above.


    SO, that leads me to my next conversation.


    Why and the hell can we fly someone to the freak-in moon but can't cure something that is so important to the Human appearance?


    Why can you pull hair out all over your body and it grows back?


    Why can your scalp hair disappear related to a gene that we don't know if it will take all or some hair?


    Why can't scientist get to the bottom of this hair loss phenomenon?


    Why is it so expensive???


    Why am I spending time on this board knowing every answer to what I am writing?


    I don't know what to do, if I cut my hair down.... dudes I look totally different. trust me! I don't feel right and it exposes more of my problem than if I let it grow out a little....



    I just don't know what to do?????? :confused::(:mad:

  5. I just turned 40 this month and I have been pondering an HT for quite some time. I have shifted my research from strip to FUE. I am fascinated by this technology but am having a hard time nailing down patients to talk to with a combo of a good doctor. I didn't realize that Dr Feller did FUE or is one of the best at it.


    Can I see photo's.... please contact me in PM as well. I would like to get your phone number.


    Thanks for sharing your story.... good stuff!!

  6. I would like to know out of all you Hair transplant patients that have gone through with this, is your scar detectable? I have fine hair but good groups in my donor hair. I am fair skinned with light brown/blonde hair. Good contrast.


    1.) Are you happy with the scar or conscious about cutting your hair too short?



  7. The thing I am trying to grasp here, as I started this thread, is that why not go back and have additional HT's as your pattern progresses....instead of taking the meds? It's not like your hair falls out overnight anyway. I mean, I've seen some pretty bald guys that have had a couple of sessions of 2500 (each) and they have a full head of hair now. Actually, I have talked to them personally about it. Yes they were on propecia but we all know that the most hair you have right now is on your head. Propecia only allows you to keep what you have.


    So in my example, I am 39.5 years old and have a receeding high hairline... that has progressed over the years. I was diagnosed to need about 1800-2000 ish grafts as I have fine hair but good groups.


    If I don't mind spending more on additional procedures in the future (considering my age), why not go back for another 1500-2000 in the next 5-10 years and stay away from the meds??

  8. I would like to know if there are any patients out there that have decided that Propecia is not for them and went through the HT process. I need about 1800 -2500 grafts but do not think I am a med guy.


    That said, I do realize that I could loose more hair but would think that several hair transplants would cover my loss as I go. Is there anyone out there that has taken this approach?:confused:

  9. I would like to add that if a patient that is 38 and has modest frontal thinning and wants to get a hair transplant, I would think that you would go for some good coverage. I have to question the doctor's recommendation to the patient and what the patient should expect.


    Honestly, if I was a hair transplant doctor, I would be ashamed to show this lack of coverage on the forums. Again, I can't see where a patient would be happy with this. Getting a hair transplant is all about covering your head up. If it was financially related and more surgeries are to come... then this was pre-mature to illustrate this work on the web-blog...because personally, it does nothing for me but question what you can actually get out of this procedure...which I find dissapointing.


    Now maybe his didn't take hold either? I just can't put my finger on it.



  10. You know... my hairline is exactly the same as the man in this picture and his hair type and color appears to be the same. I have not decided to go through with a hair transplant as of yet.


    I will have to comment though that it looks awful thin 14 months afterwards. Why do Hasson & Wong's results look so good while other doctors do not? While there is an approvement with the patient above, I think for the kind of money this procedure costs, I would certainly be unhappy.



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