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Posts posted by JohnnieBravo1

  1. Thanks hairshopeing!


    You know what I found interesting about this whole experience- how much I learned about ht's and managing my existing hair AFTER my procedure compared to before. I just wanted to get it done and was a bit impatient so went straight into it without doing all of the necessary research like I really should have. I'm glad I came across this amazing website so I at least found a credible surgeon. Looking back i probably should have saved a bit more money and gone with a dr like rahal or konior. I really like the density of their results and also how they construct a plan with their patients for the future which dr path or I did not discuss.


    All in all though I am satisfied with my first ht.


    I might take some pictures when I grow my hair a little bit so everyone can get a better idea of what my hair looks like a bit longer with some product in it. I had it cut so short so it would match my other pics!

  2. Hi All,


    Have just posted my 12 month results in my blog. Wish those who are about to have a ht in the near future or who have had one within the last 12 months all the best!


    Thank you for all your help and guidance over these crazy 12 months. All the best!

  3. Ok, just purchased all the above for my 12 month challenge. Looking forward to updating you all with monthly progress pictures and brief summaries of how i feel it's all working! I'm going to get a haircut on Saturday and keep it at a similar length throughout the 12 months so we can more easily assess the results. Will be starting the new regime on Monday! Only thing I'm worried about at this stage is the massive shedding that awaits me from starting finestaride and changing to the new minoxidil formula. Time will tell! Thanks for all your input.



  4. Yeah I'll do that if I'm not satisfied after 12 months.


    After quite a bit of research I've decided to do the following for the next 12 months and I'll be posting pictures each month to show any progress . I'll be starting this in approx 1 week.


    Rogain foam minoxidil in the morning

    Rogain liquid minoxidil in the evening

    1.25 mg finestaride every day for 6 months, then reduce this to every second day

    10% Azelaic acid cream every evening

    Regenpure shampoo every second day

    Volumising shampoo every other day


    Hopefully this routine will produce noticeable results after 12 months

  5. I agree 100% KO. It's only when I started looking at trying to reduce my monthly expenses that I really looked into my hair solution costs. The reason I didn't do this before was mainly because the company in sydney would always say that if I stopped using their products I would lose any hair that I had gained and saved, which was a scary thought, so I just continued with their minoxidil solution. I'm relieved to hear that a normal rogain foam or a generic version can provide similar results.


    Are there any recommendations with regards to shampoos and routines? What do you find works best for you?

  6. Hi All,


    I have recently decided to stop using a minoxidil + retin a solution i have been using for a few years now because i just cannot afford it anymore from the Sydney company i am getting this from (costs $300 Aus per month).


    I am looking for some advise on what i should do now so i do not lose the hair that i have saved and regrown through my existing solution.


    The below are the options that i have come up with.


    1. Rogain & Kirkland's minoxidil

    2. Minoxidil formula with Retin A (possibly from Dr Klein's website)

    3. Minoxidil formula with Azelaic Acid (possibly from Belgravia Centre)


    Obviously the first option is the cheapest, but i know that sometimes what you get is what you pay for and obviously like all of you out there i would like to choose the best option for maintaining my hair.


    I would really appreciate your thoughts on what option you feel may provide with the best results for maintaining and regrowing my existing hair.


    I have attached some pictures below to show you my current hair loss.


    Appreciate your feedback and thoughts as it is quite scary (for me anyway!) to change formulas after a few years.





  7. Hi All,


    I have been using a 5% minoxidil solution for a few years from a company in Sydney. I think the solution contains minoxidil and retin-a because it has a yellow tinge. Plus the company says they add some other 'secret' ingredients, which I know most likely do nothing. In any case I have been paying $300 per bottle which lasts a month and I just cannot afford this anymore.


    I'd really appreciate some help with finding out whether i will lose all the hair that I have kept and re grown over the past few years with this minoxidil and retin a formula if I switch to a plain minoxidil formula like rogain?


    Or should I try and find a similar formula like the one i have seen through Dr Kleins website (apparently he has a solution called promox and remox which contains minoxidil and retin a. Cost is considerably less at $80 per bottle per month)?


    If I could get some answers on this with someone who has real experience with this, that would be much appreciated.



  8. Hi Barry,


    I have been tracking your progress to date so would definitely be interested in seeing your 3.5 month photos. It's really great to hear that you are experiencing a lot of new growth so early on, very encouraging signs!


    Do you know how many grafts per cm2 Dr Path organised for you?


    Can't wait to see your photos

  9. Hi Spanker,

    What is your donor density like? You seem to have very thick hair, a lot thicker than mine.

    Also do you know how many grafts per cm2 were transplanted?


    Definitely look forward to seeing your 1 month photos! How have you been coping so far?


    My close friends went to Europe for 2 months shortly after my HT, so i have been able to keep it a secret so far. Hopefully in a month or two it will look like i did not get anything done.

  10. I hope so! You have also come along way and your results look great.


    I will definitely keep everyone updated with photos each month. It's really exciting, yet also very nerve racking waiting for the 3-4 months where new growth is meant to start. Fingers crossed it all works out well.

  11. Hi All,


    Just updated my profile with 1 month pictures of my ht with Dr Path. I will continue to update my profile every month.


    Hopefully i am as satisfied with my results as i was with the who experience with Dr Path and his team!


    Any feedback on the post-op pics and also the 1 month pics would be greatly appreciated, even though i know there is not a lot happening at this stage! I seem to have kept quite a few transplanted hairs, although i guess it has only been 1 month.

  12. Hi Johnny,


    I had a ht by Dr Path one month ago. It is only very early so any progress at this stage is hard to see. In saying this, i have to agree 100% with jollyfolly. I was very nervous about getting a ht and sat on the fence for a while there, trying to figure out whether or not to go through with it. I eventually chose Dr Path because of the great reviews from within this forum, the location and the pricing. As soon as i arrived in his office, i was immediately put at ease. His staff are really friendly without being over the top. They are all very knowledgeable as well and seem to have been with Dr Path for a while. There are also quite a few of them which is also comforting. Dr Path is a really nice, down-to-earth guy and seems to have your best interest at heart instead of someone who just wants to get the job done and get paid. He spends time making sure you are aware of the whole process and helps design the hairline with a state of the art lazer.


    It is a very professional and relaxed environment and you will be in great hands. Hopefully i am as satisfied with my results as i am with all of the above!


    I stated at the baiyoke sky hotel which is quite close Dr Paths office by sky train or by taxi. It's affordable and close to the big shopping centres.


    I actually took all the money in cash which i don't think is the best option, but i didn't want to transfer the money and then have something come up before the trip and have to cancel. Have you looked into putting the money into a travel card and then taking it out upon arrival?


    Have you sent Dr Path pictures and asked how many grafts they think they will be able to transfer? They gave me an estimate based on photos which was pretty accurate.


    You are in good hands and i hope you get the results you are looking for. Just be very honest with Dr Path about what you want and he will be in honest with regards to what is possible based on your individual situation.

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