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Posts posted by btd800

  1. The manager of the Del Mondo clinic usually does the consultations. He's not the surgeon and I think he used to be a hairdresser. Despite the glossy website, the actually facilities are quite seedy and very basic. The surgeon that does the procedures also works elsewhere doing other types of cosmetic surgery.


    The manager whilst friendly and polite, came across a bit like a used car salesman. (Apologies to actual used car salesmen out there)


    I'm sure America also has its share of clinics like this too amongst the good ones.

  2. Had a very similar thing the other day. Went to see my masseuse who I deliberately hadn't seen for 6 months because of the hair transplant . She was looking at me trying to work out what was different, saying i was looking really well, asking if I'd lost weight etc. The perfect response really.

  3. Can definitely recommend Dr Knudsen in Sydney if you are after a smallish procedure. Mine was a 1400 graft procedure and I was very happy with the experience and how things are progressing. He may also be good at larger sessions, but I'm just quoting my own personal experience of a smaller session. Good luck, do plenty of research on this site and others.

  4. Just some photos to share a little over three months post surgery with Dr Knudsen.

    As has been stated before, very impressed with Dr Knudsen's professionalism and approach as well as that of his staff.

    Have recieved 1400 grafts to fill in temple recession as well as thicken up the front a bit.

    Everything has gone smoothly since the proedure. Temples have been quite pink, but that has started to fade now. Probable 80-90% of the hairs fell out a few weeks after surgery, but lots of new growth seems to be starting now. A lot of the finer hairs are quite difficult to see in my photos, but there seems to be plenty of new growth for this stage.

    I'm happy with the way my donor area is healing. The photos make it appear a bit pinker and wider than what it actually is. (according to my wife taking photos) It is quite hard for her to find and the hairs are growing back through the pencil line scar as promised.

    My hair is quite a bit shorter in the pre-op photos, because I have been growing it to try and hide things until it has grown out.








  5. Hi Jonnnny1976,


    Had a hair transplant with Dr Knudsen about 2 months ago. Procedure was 1400 grafts in the temple area. Only early days yet, but so far has been a very positive experience.


    As has been stated before, during initial consultation I felt very comfortable with Dr Knudsen's manner and professionalism. I did plenty of my own research and study before seeing him and his advice sat very comfortably with me.


    I felt very good about how things went on the day of surgery. Dr Knudsen and his staff very professional, but also made you feel as relaxed as possible during a pretty anxious time. I also felt well informed during the procedure.


    As mentioned it's only early days yet, but so far the donor scar is completely invisible under my hair after my first haircut and already quite hard for my wife to find when she lifts up my hair. A reasonable number of the transplanted hairs have not fallen out and kept growing since the procedure. Time will tell how well he did at restoring my hairline, but judging by the fading pink recipient area and how dense the initial transplant hairs seemed, I'm feeling pretty optimistic.


    Might post up some photos in the coming months, but hadn't actually intended to even post about this topic.


    Good luck

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