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Posts posted by suhas89

  1. hi guys,im new here.ive been stalking this forum for weeks now and today i finally decided to join.

    i'm a 23yr old male.my hair has never been much dense but about an year back,i started noticing thinning at the vertex(i had no hairfall back then).not sure whom to consult,i started going to rich feel and they gave me a bunch of tablets(serenoa complex and bio minerals),hair oil and a shampoo,all very expensive and all containing saw palmetto.

    the 1st 4-5 months of treatment was pretty good.i experienced no hair-fall and the thinning was more or less in control.

    but about 2 months back,i started noticing strands of hair everywhere,on my table,on my pillow,on my hairbrush etc..and whenever i stroke my hair there are at least 1-2 strand in my hand.i consulted my doc and he told me its stressed induced hairfall and it would stop in a month.but it didnt,plus i have a feeling that it has accelerated.my hair count has visibly reduced.even the new hair is falling out.rich feel doctors have not been able to stop/slow it down.

    im freaking out.at this rate i'l go bald in max 2 years.my family history is really bad.both my grandfathers(from both my parents side) were bald.my dad is 52 and almost bald.my uncles are balding

    from a little looking around ive come to know that saw palmetto sucks.so ive decided to start using dr.reddys mintop(5% minoxidil),finasteride and nizoral shampoo.

    but i have some confusion regarding finasteride dosage.some members here recommend 5mg tablets (broken into 4 pieces) daily while other say 1mg(broken into 2) daily.which one should i take??..and are there different versions of nizoral shampoo??..which one should i use??

    please help me out guys,im really freaking out :(

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