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Posts posted by Mustard

  1. trackrat


    It seems everyone wants to see photos that substantiate your claims that Dr. Unger is poor. From my research, he has a textbook that claim to be the authority on transplantation - so he must know what he is talking about. That does not mean he is able to do a good transplant, but that he is knowledgeable.


    Show the pics.

  2. I’ve been looking around for a couple years at this procedure. Almost had it done in Europe, but chickened out. I am terrified of needels.


    Last time I had to give blood at the doctor office, I fainted.


    How bad does it hurt? I’d like to hear from people who have had it done - please be honest. Can they put me to sleep like when people have operations? This is my biggest fear which has held me back - even looked into a piece, but turned off by that.

  3. I was all excited about a breakthrough in Seattle, where I live; then I started to investigate this doc.


    I looked up the site, and I fell to disappointment: the doctor is Dr. Niedbalski, who I saw 2 years ago at Medical Hair Restoration. From everything I’ve read on this and other sites, people have not been happy with there results from doctors at Bosley and Medical Hair Restoration. At MHR, I saw a salesman who tried his best for me to sign up for at least 2 or 3 2500 graft procedures. He did the hard sell including discounts for openings, or during slow times. Totally turned off by their sales guy and large corporate push.


    Recently, I went looking into all options including a piece. Now, I know, they are a pain, but I had to see what they had to say (after that, I’m not doing that - either the comb over, transplants, or cut it off are my current options). I went to the Hair Club Seattle office and they totally pressed me hard, and I just told them I’m here for info. Then they did the “$1500” shampoo kits/lasers pitch, and then pressed me hard for hair transplants when they figured I was not going to buy their pieces.


    As it turns out, Dr. Niedbalski is now the doctor for Hair Club for Men for Seattle. So he stopped being the doctor for Medical Hair Restoration, opens his own hair practice, but went back to the large corporate hair practice: Hair Club for Men. I went to their web site and sure enough, there is his mug as the doctor for Washington and Oregon. What a total turn off.


    I’ve done my research on Hair Club and everything again is not good. In fact, bad.


    So if this doc has to practice also at Hair Club, I’m going to stay away. Not a track record in a doctor I want experimenting on me and I don’t trust the product he is trying to sell as he is from the hair mill mentality “trying to make a buck.”


    I hope this sheds some light on this tread and that practice.

  4. I’ve been lurking around the forums reading posts for couple years. I wants to see what can be done for me. I like what I see with you transplant. I’m from Europe; almost had a surgery there, but now live here. Want to see how your turns out. I went to Bosley and Medical Hair Restoration in Seattle 3 years ago; suggested 2500 graphs. Did not have the money at the time, but now settled so relooking at it. I have appointment with Bosley again in 3 weeks, but will look at your doctor also and other doctors. When I call Medical Hair Restoration, it goes to Bosley. So I’ll look around and see what is new. But I will call you r doctor.

  5. I have just found this site after I contacted a couple places for advice. One place = the office that directed me to here = wanted to know how thick my hair is. Any advize on how to tell them what I have? Sounds stupid but wanted to see what others say or write. I have been thinking about this for while so kind of nervous writing my thoughts to doctors so this is a good way to ask questins.


    sorry if this is a dumb question.

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