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Posts posted by jhair

  1. Hi,

    I got a strip method transplant from a reputable doc in Ca. his credentials:

    American Medical Association

    America Academy of Cosmetic Surgery

    American Society of Hair Restoration Surgery

    International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery

    Diplomat American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery


    I got 1700 grafts and experienced post-op swelling of the forehead and ears. This subsided after a few days, within two weeks, the sutures were removed, and all swelling had vanished. The problem is now three weeks post-op it looks like my ears still stick out a little more than they used to. Is it possible that the process of extracting the grafts and applying and removing the sutures has pulled my skin in some way to cause my ears to protrude slightly? Is there precedence for this or am I just hyper-aware and self-conscious because I've been staring at my ears for too long? If anyone can shed some light on this I would appreciate it, Thanks.

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