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Posts posted by MJK259

  1. Before you start shouting Nizoral and Selsun Blue, hear me out


    Since I started Propecia, my scalp has been itchy. I soon went for the Zinc Pyrithione, Selenium Sulfide, etc, but that seemed to make things much more itchy.


    I then reverted to regular shampoo and things got a bit better. My hairdresser mentioned that my scalp looked dry rather than it being dandruff.


    I then started using hydrating conditioner which has helped a lot, but my scalp still itches intermittently.


    I've googled for scalp moisturizer but haven't found much. Do you guys have any suggestions?

  2. I have been taking Propecia for a little over a year and I have suspected that it was making things but I have trusted the academic studies etc and have continued to take it.


    Since I started taking it, I have had increased itching in the MPB prone areas. At times it feels as though my scalp is being stabbed with small needles. I never felt this sensation before taking propecia.


    I have also noticed a few hairs that look like this. As you can see in the picture, at one end the hair shaft is completely thick, and at the root end it is miniaturized. This is not an illusion, it is easily seen with the naked eye. It seems as though something has aggressively caused this hair to miniaturize as the transition from a normal diameter hair to a miniaturized hair is sudden. I have confirmed that the root is at the miniaturized end.




    I might add that I very very rarely miss a dose. I source my Propecia from legitimate brick and mortar pharmacies and I alternate between pills from different pharmacies everyday just to be absolutely sure that I'm getting a legitimate product.



  3. Looks real good bonkers.


    I have a question about your Propecia use. You note that you have been using Propecia since 2003, and have been loosing it since 1999? Were you undergoing agressive MPB between 1999 and 2003? Or was Propecia not very effective in stopping the losses?


    In other words- did you maintain while on Propecia?

  4. From the pic you posted I think it would be a bad idea to having a scar just for 200-300 grafts on a virgin scalp. I think you should wait and see how your hair looks in another couple years. It is actually cheaper in the long run to have a larger session as opposed to numerous small ones usually. This is just my opinion.



    I defnitely wouldn't do a strip to fix this, I think FUE is good for small jobs?


    I'd be willing to spend the money but it in terms of "the long run" its bad to do it now, then I won't.

  5. I need a fresh set of eyes here. Am I receding or not?


    I am attaching some older pics from 2008 and 2009 for reference. I am 21 btw. Thanks in advance. :)



    I think you are. I'd look into finasteride (propecia). No need to panic though.


    But it reaaly all depends what you're hair used to be like. You know your hair best, if you think you're thinning/receding then you probably are.

  6. Thankyou it's appreciated! If it gets any worse then im going to get a referral and get on some medication. Are there any good topical treatments?


    Don't wait any longer. Do your research, think rationally and make a decision. If you think you will opt for Finasteride when push comes to shove, start it now.

  7. Hi folks,


    I spot some Toppik at my crown from time to time. I find that it is almost impossible for me to wash the Toppik out. I have confirmed this using my Celestron USB Microscope (see image).


    I am left itching and ultimately I have to scrub my scalp to get the Toppik out which takes hairs with it.


    This pic was taken 6 days after applying Toppik with the sprayer attachment. I had washed my hair at least 9 times during that time.


    Please help.


  8. Greetings,


    As you can see from the attached picture, I have a bit of recession but am currently a NW2.


    Would it be possible to do an HT to fix the temple areas? I realize it would be stupid to use "high grade" donor hair as one would have to think that sooner or later I will recede further than NW2 and be left with some "devil horns" at my temples.


    Could an HT be done with hair from a somewhat DHT sensitive area so that I wouldn't be left with "devil horns" if things were to progress? Would I be left with transplant scars at the transplant site?


    I have been taking Finasteride for 6 months. I believe I might be in the very very early stages of NW4 pattern (or more) judging by where my hair texture feels different. I am just about 23 years old.




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