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Guitar man

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Posts posted by Guitar man

  1. yeah i know what u mean i have been trying to find out what this thing is. But i dont see anything online about it and of course when i call there no info i get the" you have to come in" I was wondering if this is just simply attching starnds of hair to ur scalp with out having to get a whole hair system . But when i look at the site they options for care credit why would you need that if it isnt surgical werid huh?

  2. One of the really anooying parts of it its the unusaul pattern of wich it seems to have taken. My hair loss is mostly just in the crown area on the very top of my head . It doesnt seem to get much worse over the years that i can tell . So things like toppik dont work for me as there is not much hair to blend it in there . I am not asking for a full head of hair just would like to fill in sopmewhat that area .


    I want to give avodart a try but i havent seen enough good results with it from anyone to justify trying it.


    Im sure i still have a lot more hair than most and you might say its not that bad wich i would agree but its the shape in wich it has fallen out that makes it look so strange .


    There is a place near me that offers Corrective Hair Implants does any one happen to know what this is? from the way they make it seem as this is attaced to ur scalp with out the need for a system i was wondering if something like this might be good for me just to fill in the area but they are very fage about exactly what this is.





    Corrective Hair Implants

  3. Hi i am new here . But i wanted to say my 2 cents hope you don't mind.


    I am a 37 year old man who has been dealing with hair loss since i have been in my early 20's. Though i am not totally bald i have a lot of hair loss in my crown area. Like many of you i have tried everything that has come along over the years and nothing works. Hair loss has basically destroyed my life . I am a highy gifted guitar player who over the years i have been offerd abput a dozen or so recording contracts. My dream really , but my hair loss and the way i look have kept me from going after this dream of mine. Ilive in southern florida and everyone here seems to look good and have really nice hair but me. My hair loss keeps me from going out much i dont go anywhere and i hate to be around a lot of others. Ifeel like less then them i dont talk much and basically live the life of a hermit .


    Like you i keep hoping tommrow will bring us something that works but it never does. I have spent so much money on things that dont work drugs inculded. That i have almost spent all my savings . I live a very modest life and dont make much money at all . Hair transplant would be ideal for all of us sure but who can afford it? I cant probaly never will be able to . Like many of you i was laid off from my job of 19 years this year ,then i developed an issue with my feet going numb . Come to find i have some sort of neroutphy that of course they can't find out why.


    For guys who don't have it you have no idea what hair loss does to a person . I find it hard everyday to even smile beacuse when i look in the mirror i hate what i see. And everyday its the same thing and it sucks.


    Like many of you i try to keep hope going but let's face it a cure? Probaly not in our life time and if so only the elite will be able to afford it . I have bascialy let hair loss ruin my life and as much as i say i do not care i do. I dont feel right about it /No wigs please that isnt for me but i have though about it as the only option but i never made a move that way . I am stuck in this hair loss limbo where nothing seems to ever really work no matter how many b.s. studys proved it did .


    We just seem to be running in the same path over and over every year dont we?


    I have pretty much had it with all this i dont know what else to say about it .


    Thanks for letting me vent for the first time in my life .

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