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Posts posted by Jimbomcc

  1. I went for a consultation in Manchester with Zak - he was forty minutes late, and yes, it was just an office and and a laptop. He actually just took some photos of my hair and that was about it.


    He says I need 2000 grafts (?3,500). Elite hair used a specialised optical device to check my hair and estimated 1,500 (?3,750).


    While I was put off a little by Zak and also some of the things I've read about the way the LHTC conduct the business side I have read good things about Dr Ulf Keineker. Zak showed me a strip (FUT) scar that was almost invisible, he said Keinecker was only one of three surgeons who could do this. This is why I am tempted to go there. (also, he has his own practise seperate from the clinic)


    an e mail from a Vicky Strong at LHTC said he was member of International Society of Hair Restoration Surgeons BUT I read on one of his profiles where it said "was" a member.


    I'm confused - does anyone have any more info on this surgeon?







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