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Posts posted by sam1870

  1. I would like to know from very experienced long term users if some of you who has been using topic/nanogen/caboki etc hair fibers tried to not shampoo there hair for 10 days or more while having product on and washed it only with water if necessarly to get rid of swet but keep the product on to cut on application time and save money on product, and be able to sleep with it fine without damaging white pillows, please your help and experience is much appreciated, and many thanks in advance..



  2. Dear Gillenator,


    Thank you for your reply and time explaining, it is much much appreciated..


    I would like to know similar patients who had this problem what happened with them after at the 12 month period, did the thin side get more density and balance with the other side? I would like to know if it is really possible to have any more growth after 7.5 months?


    Please let me know...

  3. Dear experienced memebers,


    I would like your help and and advise.


    I had an FUE hair transplant surgery exactly 7.5 months ago, it was all in the hairline and front of my head and I had 50 grafts per square cm density, total 4000 grafts.


    Arround 4 month post up the hair started growingn very fast and very good, and at 6 month I had a great result more than I had expected ( I was totally bold in the hairline and behind)


    However on the left side of my head (hairline and behind) I can see the density about 20 percent or 30 percent less than that of the right hairline this was the case ever since the hair started growing at 4 month, I thought his would change at around 8 months but it seems the situation is still the same. The density on the right side is very good and more than I would have ever dremt of, but this problem on the left side is making me concerned and it make the hairline look a bit un natural due to the difference.


    also a very small area about 2 sq cm on the front of the hairline on the left hadn't seen any growth but very few hairs I can see .


    what do you think the problem is? can I expect to see more growth a few month later, do you think the left side will see more density in few month? do you think the left side is not getting good blood supply? is this normal at 7.5 months?


    Note the right side is almost perfect with density and all with no one single flow, which make the imbalance very cosmetically un acceptable.


    what could have went wrong? Please advise me and it is much appreciated. and thank you in advance I am thinking about having another transplant to to cover this problem what you recommend?

  4. I am interested in doing an Fue Hairtransplant for the crown and mid head area, I have very good hair line but totally bald in back and mid, I currently wear Concelear ( Jerome Russel) I I have included photo of the product, it is good and I have been using it for the crown area for past 20 years, so no one knows that I am totally bald in the crow. I am wondering if I do the FUE hair transplant how long after surgery I can start using the hair concelar on the transplanted area without damaging the grafts or hampering the growth of the new hair, this way I can practice normal life unti the hair grow, I heard you can not use it for the first 6 months or so, what is the truth? this is what has been keeping me from doing the surgery is that I can bare to wear a cap and be off work for some days but not for a long time, and I can not just show my blad crown suddenly after surgery after being conceled infront of my co workers for years, So Please let me know your advice.


    Also if you would advise on how many grafts I possibly will need to cover my crown and get red of the concelar..


    thanks all in advance


  5. Hello all experienced People, I am 3 months and 20 days post up, I have had 4000 grafts in hairline, I have good growth so far, however I am concerned that I have one spot rather med size that is totally empty in the middle of my hairline, unlike the rest of the transplanted area which is pretty much filled, except one side is fuller than the other, but I am very concerned about this big spot in the middle that is still totally bald, any ideas if I should worry or not? Please let me know kindly

  6. It has been 3 months and a half after hair transplant exactly, I have noticed lately bumps and pimples in transplanted area, they come and go, however everday when rubbing my transplanted area, or brushing, I notice too much dandruf or peaces of dead skin comming down they are hard and sometimes big peaces sugar like texture. Anyone knows what that is? it does not bother me, but I try to rub it out gently as I am scared this dead skin will block the new hairs from exiting the surface, any ideas from experienced people here? it is my first transplant for 4000 grafts.... thanks in advance..

  7. Well Dear Sparky, I started loosing my hair at 21, and I was 23 in college and I went to best Dr in LA, California at that time, he tried to Conveince me ( the doctor himself) to give me a hairtransplant at that age and I was still loosing hair, and I told him I problaby dont have enough money ( I made that as an execuse cause I wasn't conveinced) well he wouldn't turn me down, he asked me what kind of car I have, and I told him I got a 1994 Red Convertable Rx7 (it was year 1995 at that time) that my dad bought for me, and he instantly said that he needed to buy a car for his son and he would trade it for the hair transplant he will give me................


    luckily I did not fall for him and I told him I will think about it, and left and never came back, if I would have listend to him I would be doing surgeries till today as I was still loosing more and more hair at that time, and no one was able to tell where the hairloss is going ...........


    so your story is very popular, his eyes where shinning wtih ( I want your Money) and I am only a college student, well whatever the situation there are honest Drs that told me that at this age it is not advisable to give me a hairtransplant as my hairloss is still progeressing. So luckily Sparky your hair loss did not advance too much, if it was for my case and I fell for it I would be in deep trouble now.............

  8. Sparky, I am not looking to shave it after FUE, but in case I dont get what I want I will have the option to shave again, I always do my things with plans, plan A, B, C, etc.......... I don't go to plan A without having a Plan B if things dont turn my way, that is why I never thought I about Strip cause in that case Plan B will not be possible, which I dont like to keep myself without any other alternatives.

  9. Well Hariri, you actually made me laugh, that is what I am imagining myself, well like Mr Spanker said, we all have our wants and looking forward for a postive change, weather we get it or not that is just Un known, I hope everyone gets what they want.


    I have checked asmed website and before and after, he seems to have good FUE photos.


    also for your note Ilter hair clinic does big FUE in Sweden.


    also hairmed does big FUE session, they accepted my case...


    I am not sure if those are good Drs but I am listing Drs that accepted to do my case.


    will be looking forward for more..........


    Thank you all for all the complements........

  10. Sparky we did accept that, and we removed him from list of Recommended Drs for FUE, for large cases, and no ones feeling were hurt, we have already moved on, but this a benefecial arguement for Drs to read, and I dont think it hurts if a Dr took the time to answer and explain why he dont take your case. there other Drs that I have consulted and they had explained that they are not equipped to do large cases, and they refered me to another Dr...


    Now Dear Sparky, if you dont agree that A Dr should explain why he is refusing you or why he cant opearte on you, then you are missing something big,


    however this Talk I think will be very beneficial for Dr Kesser and any other dr who reads this after all and to your surprise we learn everyday from our mistakes, and Dr is a human he will learn next time how to treat a patient, and again I am talking in general......

  11. Dear Future, yes we are not here to judge his motive, nor do we know his motive, we are only here to filter Drs that will really do a NW 5 or 6 with FUE, and it seems Dr Kesser is not one of them.


    Also I think A Dr in general ( not talking about Dr Kesser) should not be without feelings, as to just refuse a patient without telling him the reasoning or why, and to just say I dont take a nw5 or nw6 and he has posted several patients before and after who he had FUED before, is plain not right to me........


    I wish Drs know that they have to be more of a human rather than just a Dr, sometimes Drs in general tend to forget that.


    Like when he tells hariri that because of your last surgeries I cant accept you, ( sorry you are screwed and I will not fix you) without giving him a reason or a way to half fix what he had, is just very rude in my opinion, if I were a Dr I would never do that...........

  12. if a doctor analyzes a high NW case, realizes that he/she does not possess the capability (for whatever reason) to deliver sufficient results, and passes the case off to a physician who can perform the operation adequately, he/she (in my opinion) is acting ethically.


    At this point in time, it's probably a bit premature to say which category Dr. Keser falls within


    well Dear Future, you say at this point it is premature to say which category Dr.kesser falls within, well He did refuse my case without explanation or referal and so he did the same to another two forum members, maybe I am missing something here?? correct me if I am wrong, he did not refere me to another dr no he told me why he dont take my case........

  13. It is all good Mr Future, no Problem, To be honest and to the point, It just upset me when someone post a nw6 before and after results on his website and then when he gets a patient with a NW5 he refuse it. that is just common sense to be disturbing and annoying. However it is all clear, and the Good FUE drs are clearing up............

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