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Albums posted by Pilot1972

  1. Second HT-3000 grafts

    Having had a successful HT (3800-FUT) 2 years ago, I decided to enhance the results of the first attempt.

    I had an extra 3000 follicles and this time, we addressed the sides/temples adding more density on the right hand side of my head and at the crown.

    This time round, the anxiety over an HT was a lot less, having experienced and seen the results of the first one. It was a very long day but everybody at Farjo's made it feel like a walk in the park.

    Went away on Hols 4 days after the surgery wearing a hat under the sun and avoiding contact with water (apart from the daily washing and following the instructions to the letter). Worth noting that there was a very slight swelling (barely noticeable) from day 2 to day 4.

    Returned and had my staples removed 12 days following the procedure. At that time, there was quite a lot of implanted hairs in position. At the same time, I noticed that two lymph nodes at the back of my head had some minor swelling a few centimeters below the scar. Given that everything else was alright and had no other symptoms, this swelling was attributed to the staples and perhaps the stretching of the skin at this location.

    25 days following the surgery, nearly all transplanted hair has shed, as expected (and as per my last experience. Some local redness around the temples still exists, the lymphnode swelling is history and I have resumed my normal routine.

    Once more, the only comment I received from some people was that I haven't got the same amount of tan following my holidays. The whole thing is not detectable (unless you know about it).

    Well, now is the waiting time, but I am not expecting to see a lot, if anything for at least another 2 months.

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