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Blog Entries posted by Coug

  1. Coug
    Hey everyone,


    I'm a 20 year old whose been balding (receding hairline) since about te age of 18 and I'm really tired of it. I don't have huge selfesteem issues and I have not gone into depression but I do think having this procedure would benefit me not only in my personal life but my professional life as well. I was hoping to hear some stories about Dr. Arocha who is based in Dallas/Houston. Has anyone read any negative reviews or come across any lawsuits against them or anything of that nature? And if you have been with them, would you recommend it/ are you satisfied with the results. I basically don't want to get my head destroyed like some of those horror stories we've all read about and need to find all the research/ recommendations I can.

    Thank you for your time,

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