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Posts posted by viki250

  1. As per my info: Whether you go for HT or not; in either case you have to address hair fall first. My dermatologist told me the same. He said, even your HT surgeon will prescribe hair loss medications after HT.


    Also in one of the forum, someone said, situation get worst if you don't address hair loss and go for HT. He said, your hairs will be like a doll as only transplanted hair will stay but existing hair will fall. And if your existing hair on crown is more than transplanted hair then it will be a doll-hair scenario.


    My dermatologist prescribed me Finasteride and Minoxidil (5%) liquid 1 ml twice a day. Due to Fin side effects, I am not convinced to take it. But am using minoxidil 1ml as it does not have any serious side effects.


    Normally people recommend to go for treatment first and then for HT. Same my derm recommended me.


    As for Dr Humayun, myself is also interested to know his patients update for post HT 5-12 months. Perhaps, if someone from his clinic is reading this OR Dr Humayun himself then it would be great if they can share patients update of 5-12 months post HT.


    Also, from Dr. Humayun Patient Results on this site, it is not clear whether their HT is done via FUE or FUT.

  2. Hi,


    My dermatologist recommended to me to apply Minoxidil (5%) 1 ml liquid twice a day.


    My question here is how much time difference should be there between two applications in a day?


    Currently I apply 1ml after coming from office around 5PM and then at 12 am before going to bed. So this almost 6-7 hrs gap between two 1ml application.




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