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Posts posted by JK111

  1. ok I just got my stiches removed today (it's been 10 days) and I have a few questions


    1. They told me to scrub the grafts out with shampoo now that its been 10 days, is this correct or should I be waiting longer?


    2. They said I can workout as much as I want, is this correct or should I be waiting longer


    3. Should I do anything now that my stiches have been removed, I thought I read on this site that vera gel and bag balm work well, is this true and which one of them should I use (or both) and how often?


    Thanks guys

  2. thanks I guess as of now I am mostly concerned about the scar, is there anyway to treat it so it will heal better or anything to say to the bosley doctors so it will get smaller? I obv realize it will be there forever but i'm just trying to make it as small/as less visable as possible as right now I am wearing my hair at around 1/2 an inch in the back and it is clearly visable.

  3. I realize not a lot of u read the bosley thread but unfortunately I found this place 3 days after I had a hair transplant surgery from there.


    I have a few questions which i'd love answered since right now I trust u guys more than bosley.






    I realize the graphs are too far spaced out but is it that bad? In other words how dense should I expect them to grow in at?


    Also how many graphs survive and when do they survive? In other words, will the ones that are left say 2 weeks after the surgery are still there can I expect them all to survive forever? If not, how many in ur estimation will not survive, what percent?


    Also with my scar, does it get smaller or stay the same after I get the stiches removed? If it gets smaller does it do this over time or right away? If it does it over time, about how long and how much smaller does it get?


    They told me to apply rogaine to my graphs but I forgot when they said in order to speed up growth? Is this a good idea? If I do this do I have to continue using it for the rest of my life for the hairs not to fall out?


    I realize i'll probably need another HT to repair this job but basacally what can I expect after 8-10 months with this one?


    Please be honest in all of these questions, thanks guys.

  4. I realize not a lot of u read the bosley thread but unfortunately I found this place 3 days after I had a hair transplant surgery from there.


    I have a few questions which i'd love answered since right now I trust u guys more than bosley.






    I realize the graphs are too far spaced out but is it that bad? In other words how dense should I expect them to grow in at?


    Also how many graphs survive and when do they survive? In other words, will the ones that are left say 2 weeks after the surgery are still there can I expect them all to survive forever? If not, how many in ur estimation will not survive, what percent?


    Also with my scar, does it get smaller or stay the same after I get the stiches removed? If it gets smaller does it do this over time or right away? If it does it over time, about how long and how much smaller does it get?


    They told me to apply rogaine to my graphs but I forgot when they said in order to speed up growth? Is this a good idea? If I do this do I have to continue using it for the rest of my life for the hairs not to fall out?


    I realize i'll probably need another HT to repair this job but basacally what can I expect after 8-10 months with this one?


    Please be honest in all of these questions, thanks guys.

  5. another question, I got stiches instead of staples, will that lead to worse scarring/more noticeable? Also will the scar be better/worse/thesame after the sitches are taken out?


    Also if it's real bad for some reason, will I be able to get another doctor from here be able to cover it up? Thanks again.

  6. u guys have been really helpful so far and for that I am so thankful you have no idea and I am feeling a lot better now than I was this morning.


    Also its752, do u mind either sharing ur pics publicly or via pm if u don't want it seen in public with me? Appreciate it a lot.

  7. ok deicded to post a pic of my back where the scar will be, i haven't taken the stiches out so does that make any difference on how noticeable it will be?


    it's the lowest part where hair is missing, the top is just my thinning hair a little no scar. Also it looks a little worse in person than in the photo due to the lighting but not a ton worse. Thoughts?



  8. Originally posted by its752:

    JK111, When I just saw your pic, I first thought, Oh my god!! Then I thought, A poor transplant like this can't still be happening in 2009!! If this is your first procedure, thank god because you're going to have donor hair left and after 8 months, like you said, you'll go to a great clinic you find on this site and get a beautiful job done! Your grafts are place way too far apart, which at this point may be to your advantage at your next session!! A Dr. Feller or Dr. Hasson or Dr. Rahal will do the kind of work you or anyone really deserves.


    icon_frown.gif thanks for being honest though.

  9. also another question on shock loss which of course the bosley guys didn't tell me about and I had to find on here.


    I've already lost I think a little bit of hair within 3 days after the surgery? This is a really bad sign right as I read it usually takes 2-12 weeks to start losing ur hair from shock loss? What are the chances the lost hair I get will come back etc? Anything else that is important please let me know.


    Also they have me doing Graftcyte soaks/spray/shampoo, is this good and do u guys do this? Is there anything else I can do that they didn't tell me? I've read that vit E or omega 3 6 9 pills or something like that helps but not really sure.

  10. thanks, anymore comments are appreciated good or bad and again be honest with me please.


    I've already accepted the fact that i'll be getting another transplant and I did a little research on this site and I seem to like Dr. Fuller. I called his office just now and he wasn't in (will be in on wed of next week) and I told the receptionist what happened and asked when is the soonest possiblity for me to get another HT done.


    She told me in 6 months but I didn't go into detail on the phone as I obv want to speak to the doctor about that. Will he be able to cover up the scar in the back? I can't really take any good pics but there is def a decent sized scar but it's not like lol awful in terms of it's prob only 3/4th of an inch thick and maybe like 5 inches long? (Or is that lol awful)?


    Will try to take a pic if needed but it's hard to take one on the back of my head

  11. ok here is a pic




    what concerns me the most is a) they didn't shave all my head like it appears they do in ur guys transplants and b) the graphs seem to be more spaced out.


    Am I right in my concern and using ur best judgement how do u think it will turn out? Thanks a lot guys i'm pretty scared icon_frown.gif

  12. reading this thread makes me angry/sad.


    I unfortunately did a hair transplant through bosley only 3 days ago and stupidly didn't do research until after the fact. I mean everything looks normal now but it seems like I am going to expect some horrific results.


    I also went to the Boston office and had my work done by Dr. Calder, and someone on here hated the Boston office although it was a different doctor.


    Is there anyway to go to another doctor now, or do I have to wait until like 8 months when my "crappy results" will be?


    Thanks guys, i'm very angry right now.

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