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Posts posted by jaime4796

  1. I had my hair transplant the beginning of August. I have noticed that hair near the transplanted hair has fallen out. I had my hairline done & now the sides of my hair that HAD hair are now losing. WTH? Will it grow back? It was NOT damaged or dead hair & now it's gone. I honestly don't want to go back to get another transplant. I feel this is going to be an ongoing problem. Lose hair, get transplant, then transplant causing more hair loss & it's a viscous cycle until it's time to wear a wig! Please help!

  2. Hi. I'm looking for recommendations of doctors in Florida. I am looking into getting a hair transplant & actually have an appt made with Dr. Epstein for a hairline advancement surgery, but just now started researching everything a bit more which is getting me nervous. I haven't researched any other doctors in Florida & I have been reading mixed reviews about Dr. Epstein. Can anyone help me? Thank you!

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