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Posts posted by comeundone916

  1. I just entered a website and I didnt know it would appear like that above, im not trying to advertise for anyone, I just need a good FUE HT in Northern California, and with neografts claims, seem to be too good to be true as a FUE tool.


    I cant take off work for more than a week, Cant go to NY or Canada to see these recommended doctors....

  2. Has anyone personally had neograft work done?


    Anyone been to Dr. Prasad in sacramento? she's supposedly the only doctor in the area that does fue neograft.


    I cant really find reviews on her work (Link removed by moderator - See Terms of Service)


    On the website, shes part of IHSRS and National society of cosmetic physicians. And the website says she Does all the work herself, not technicians.


    I think I need HT on crown and mid section. If I get this done, does it mean I need to go on propecia to stop further hair loss?


    And If I get a FUE transplant, and Later my natural hair falls out, are my transplanted hairs still in place, Is that what people mean when they talk about bad plugs?


    Ive did some research and im just scared and confused, havent seen anyone on her with a HT to the crown with good results yet....

  3. Hey guys, Im new to this forum. Im 27, I have been having thinning hair for ever since i was about 20-21. And In last 3-4 I have been balding in on the top back of my head, crown or vertex area?


    I tried Rogaine foam for only 2-3 months with no results, busy schedule messed me up. I will be going back to Rogaine foam starting this week. Like everyone else here, this is a horrible feeling especially being this young (?)


    I was also wonder about propecia and how to get it. Ive done my research and i read all about it, Im still a little scared of it for "sexual side effects." I feel like I have a low testosterone level already. I dont know what else to do, I was hoping for advice for this type of balding ???








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