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Posts posted by sandy221981

  1. Hi Spex,


    I have been using Finastride 1 mg for the past couple of years now. However starting Nov'11 I have been experiencing hives. Its appears and then I have to take a antihistamine to supress it and then i again get it in 3 days. As reason for hives is very difficult to identify, my doc suggested it could be because of finastride. I initially ignored it but then read it as one of the sideeffects.


    Can this is be possible after taking finastride for more than 2 years now. What is an alternative here...



  2. I have been using minioxidil for more than 5 years now and havent noticed any side effects...


    fiveoneone...start using minioxidil and then move to finastride...As far as I am aware these are the only 2 proven medicines known to stop hairloss..

  3. Hi,


    My suggestion is use Rogaine and ensure you use it everyday. I have been using generic minioxidil 5% for more than 5 years now and honestly I like applying it. I feel it adds some volume to my hair and I use it to style my hair also (may sound funny). The day I dont apply it I feel my hair is dull. Try rogaine for a couple of months and then move to finastride. May be rogaine helps you and you dont need to move to finastride...But dont delay...Also I really dont feel you will see any results in the first month. So use it religously for a couple of months and then see if it helps.


    The thinning on your crown is similar to mine and I use Nanogen to cover it. Since its a small patch, my nanogen last for more than 3 months...


    All the best and keep posting your results...




  4. Hi,


    I am 30 years old and I have been using Finastride for the past couple of years. I take it five days a week and do not take it on Saturday and Sunday. I wanted to check if I can take it every alternate day and thus reduce the dosage further. Will this impact my hair loss. I have read that 1 mg finastride lasts in the body for close to 3 days. I am not sure if this is true and hence expecting some responses.


    Between..the real reason why I want to reduce the dosage is because I have been experiencing hives for the past 3-4 months. I was not aware that one of the side effects of finastride is hives until I read about it some days ago. My doctor does not see any other reason for hives from my blood tests and he suggested that I stop finastride completely. Honestly I am little worried on stopping finastride as I really want to maintain the current hair that I have. Also I have been taking finastride for past 2-3 years and the hives started just 3-4 months ago..I have been using minoxidil 5% for more than 5-6 years now but I feel the real player in combating hair loss is finastride...


    So please advise if I can reduce the dosage from 5 days a week to 3 days a week.




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