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Posts posted by vishalcool

  1. Spex Thankyou very much for your valuable comments..Well the Oil is not any commercial one it is given by one of my friend who practices ayurveda! And it is just experiment as I dont have much expectation..but you never know if something really happens!


    I will be showing to theright surgeon and get confidence and only then go for strip method!

  2. I have been applying some Oil which gurantees hair growth and am able to see little improvement from the last pics I had taken..But maybe this is just temporary and I want to go for HT..But I dont want to go for FUT really afraid after seeing youtube procedure videos..


    Can any 1 suggest FUE will cover up my crown area?


    Secondly I have decided to go with Dr.Radha after seeing so many positive feedbacks about her..Never met her but after searching about HT Surgeons in India I think she is one of the best! Please suggest if I am wrong?






  3. Thanks apex and dr.mejia for your valuable

    I am going to Bangalore and have appointment with Dr.Shreedhar Reddy at pioneer hair,

    Has anyone on this forum dn ht at this clinic? Please reply ASAP...

    As they specify that they use twilight anaesthesia and they combine both fue and fut method within short period!

    Their website (Link removed by moderator - See Terms of Service)


    Please guys give your comments!

  4. Dear Friends,


    This is my first post and after 5 years of Married Life My wife is behind me to get Hair restoration done as it makes me look old..


    I am 32 yo and I started loosing hair at the age of 27,My Father 60 and he still has thick hair...well I have got Maternal side genes..My Uncle (Mom's Bro) lost hair in his 20's..


    Ok Now I have tried all products and I am into Manufacturing of Beauty Products thus I know that nothing can grow hair except the Tablet called some crap starting from Fenopecia(my spelling is wrong)..and Topical solution..But none has grown my hair back..


    What I need to know:


    1.Anyone from India has got successful hair restoration?

    2.I live in Chennai and is there any good doctors or clinics in Chennai or nearby like Bangalore?

    3.What method will suit my type of hair loss?


    Please check my pic at: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/attachment.php?attachmentid=30957&stc=1&d=1340627358


    Please guy let me know who is the best in this field?


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