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Posts posted by ashwajatha

  1. Inspite of reading many horror stories from Dutastride, I made a leap into it 4 Months ago which was a biggest blunder of my life ever done in choosing Hair loss products, ever since using it i experienced rapid and 100X more hair fall each day, I lost the best hair i had in just 4 months, i motivated myself saying Hairloss would stop now or then but it continued to fall every where (Temple(lost a lot), Side's, crown, back), then i made a decision to halt the treatment of Dutastride 15 days ago and started with finastride 1 mg...to my surprise hairfall has halted ( came down from 100x to 2x) which is manageable, and serum concentration is stopped hairs started to thicken every where.....


    I did not want to continue in using dutastride for few more months since the negative impact of medicine on hairs is at much higher rate compared to other medication's and I had lost lot of grounds due to this wonderful miracle drug, and its like gambling it could have made my hairs much worse or it could have grown more hairs, but am happy at last that the serum produced by dutastride is gone and my scalp and hairs feel and breath freshly


    Symptoms while on Dutastride :


    • Severe Itching in Scalp and flakes with high serum concentration.

    • High hairfall rate (100x)

    • Thicker hairs thinned out a lot and fell

    • Brain fog ( i was trying hard to recollect or remember).


    Guys please think before you start dutastride, you are bound to lose the best that you have got now, i remember only few has success rate with Dutastride.


    Ps Note : This information would not help the ppl who have been benefited from Dutastride..

  2. @ WheredItGo2, How do you fee the Avodart now? cze i have hit my 3 month mark and the hair recession almost stopped but not completely yet, and i have never seen any positive results so far? Thinning is observed every where in Vertex and hairline, was wondering to continue the treatment or STOP it, Appreciate if you share your experience in details.

  3. No, I get my prescriptions from a doctor and pick them up at a pharmacy. I am not taking a generic, it's the real deal. I never buy this stuff online but prescriptions are much cheaper in Korea.


    I take .5 mg of Avodart a day. I never had any "shed" on propecia or avodart. My hairline just keeps going back and I'm getting very thin on top. My erections are much more common on Avodart than they are on prpecia although propecia did not really give me strong side effects. I just think I'm someone who doesn't respond to any of this crap. I'll give it six months as I gave propecia a year.

    @ Kaliber, How do you fee the Avodart now? Is your hairs still degrading? cze i have hit my 3 month mark and the hair recession almost stopped but not completely yet, and i have never seen any positive results so far? Thinning is observed every where in Vertex and hairline was wondering to continue the treatment or STOP it, Appreciate if you share your experience in details.

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