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Posts posted by Baldylocks

  1. thanks to everyone so far for taking the time to respond and offer helpful advice. Whilst it is early days what I want to achieve is possible. The Strip method would be most suitable however I am concerned with the scarring as i the future I might like short hair and I am not looking for a full head anyway. Ideally I would like to replace 40% of the hair lost and then just maintain it for for few years and then consider a top-up. So Im not concerned about needing a massive session.


    So hopefully if I am the right candidate for FUE my plan is to have little sessions in different areas whilst wearing the system very losely and taking it off at night until say 40% is replaced and then to finally remove it. I plan to do this over the course of 6-12 months.


    I shall add pictures in due course and hopefully this will help other system users who are not in a position to take it off on day one.

  2. Hi Mikeylad,


    I am referring to them in general. When I first started using them I had a mesh or lace type base which was very think and a bit noticable. However it did allow the skin to breathe. Over the years as newer thiner systems came about with see-through skin I switched over and found after a while that these do not really allow breathing. If you think about it, you have bond on your scalp for starters (which must restrict breathing, regardless of what the experts say) and then a base stuck tightly on. This system ended up causing smelling and scalp itching. Especially when sweating.


    Ive now got lace in the middle and skin on the outer edges. I also done use any glue and instead have a very light see through tape around the edges. Whilst this means i have to go to the salon every week or so (or attempt to stick at home when it starts to lift) it is finally allowing the skin to breathe again and recover.


    Assuming you are using the lace/breathable unit then you should be fine.


    I use IHS in London and its costing me a fortune so I'd be interested in how you get on as total care seems much more cheaper.

  3. Hi guys, I have been using these systems now for 5 years but sadly I am fed up and want to get a HT. Whislt its early days for you, these units will eventually cause your scalp problems and they can often smell badly. Hopefully this wont happen to you guys but in the last 18 months I have experienced very dry/itchy scalp and occasional but bad smells.


    I would advise regular changing, washing and resisting the urge to scratch your head, cause if you do - you might find the scratch could take off a bit of skin or glue or a scab and then it takes an eternity to heal as the skin cannot breathe properly - that is when the smell starts as bacteria forms. Also I think long term the constant maintenence of the units will quicken your hair loss as effectivlely the unit is stuck and pulled off taking precious hair with it.


    As a regular gym user, I have to go in once a week and in the evening to take off in order to clean and air the scalp.


    Anyway, just a word of warning and hopefully it wont happen to you guys.

  4. Thanks Spanker.


    I have spoken to Mick at Farjo and it seems this is possible - albeit not as straight forward.


    My current system is very thin and shows quite a bit of skin. I have been slowly reducing the density for this purpose (and to make it generally look natural).


    I have sent Mick some pictures and if things progress I shall create my website and show the journey......

  5. Dear fellow members,


    I am new to this wonderful site and wish I had come across it sooner.


    I reckon I need 3500 grafts and Im a Norward 5a.


    I really need some help from the good people on this site. I have posted comments on my profile as to my objectives but in a nutshell, these are to continue wearing my hair system after the HT until such time the new hairs come properly through. I am able to take it off, wash the hair and ensure it doesnt interfere with the recipient/donor areas. So hopefully it is possible.


    I wonder if anyone has such experience and if they can recommend a London based clinic with this particular experience so hopefully over time I can move from fake to real hair but without having to suddenly shave my hair off and start again. i have contacted Mick at Farjo but not yet heard back so any other recommendations would be appreciated.



    My plan is to have regular sessions after a course of time and then once all done and new hair comes through to then get rid of the damn wig !


    I look forward to hearing anyone's comments and advice.

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