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Posts posted by jclenz30

  1. I have heard of people applying the azelaic acid cream just prior to applying the minoxidil. This may be a viable option if you want to use the minoxidil foam. I also imagine that it may take awhile for your scalp to get accustomed to the azelaic acid. Search for Lipogaine on YouTube...there is at least one review that I found useful.

  2. Hi MGZ,


    You could try a lower dose of finasteride/proscar (e.g., .5 mg per day) to see how it affects you. Some argue that you can get the same results using a lower dose anyway.


    I bet you will know if the finasteride affects you within the first month or two -- so you can get off of it fairly quickly with no harm done in the long term.

  3. I agree that, in many cases, filling in behind the existing hairline makes sense for a lot of people. I suppose that the native hairs in front will naturally recede back into the transplanted hairline.


    I have what Matt at the Shapiro Group described as a "three-finger hairline." My hairline definitely starts below the natural curve on my head, so he felt that it makes sense to start it behind -- which will hopefully preserve some donor and shrink the overall area that may need to be covered over the years.


    Conversely, Dr. Sharon Keene -- who has done extensive research on hairlines and hairline placement -- pointed out that it may make perfect sense to fill in the hairline where it is today.


    I guess it's best to collaborate with your surgeon to get the best results over a lifetime.

  4. I just started Finasteride (1.25mg/day) roughly six weeks ago. I have not noticed any shedding yet. I would imagine a second bout of shedding is not a bad sign. I have heard of individuals experiencing shedding past the six-month mark.


    I'm sure others who have used Finasteride for extended periods of time can speak to it better than I can...

  5. Fantastic result Joe!


    Out of interest are you able to tell us the age of the patient and whether he is on any medical regime or not? I'm curious because I have very similar hairloss to this but have been unable to tolerate finasteride unfortunately.


    Also, another question related to this patient (who I am using as a sort of test case for myself based on his photos!). There seems to be a relatively clear differentiation between the visually obvious miniaturized and non-miniaturized zones. Do you anticipate potential further loss in the non-miniaturized areas or do you think it's safe to say his relatively high back and sides native hair will remain as they are with or without medication? I know nothing is certain in this world but I figured the doctor would have a good inkling based on his history and physiology.


    Hope this wasn't too many questions and thanks again for showing this case; great work!



    Great questions! I'm bumping this to see if Joe has this info available.

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