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Posts posted by Urahinuk

  1. As far as Propecia and thickness, some have reported a thickening. Which could mean some hair that was heading towards fallout was saved and thus the over-all look is thicker. Personally I have not seen any thickening. I will say that I wish I could go back in time. I started on Propecia at about 32 years old, used it for ten years and didn't notice much. So I quit taking it from say 42-48, and then all of a sudden I noticed my crown was thinning. I am back on it now and take it every single day. I would give anything to have those years back when I wasnt taking it because I am pretty sure my crown would not be nearly as thin now as it is. So the point is to hold on to what you have by taking Propecia. Other new drugs and methods will probably come along and as young as you are they will be available to help you out. Really all we have now are "the big three"...Propecia, Minoxodil, and Hair Transplants.


    Stress can be a factor in hair loss, but I think it is mostly DHT that destroys our hair.


    RX= Doctor's Prescription

    (not sure about UK, but in the US you need a prescription to get Propecia)





    Hi Shampoo, me too have been stopping propecia for sometime.. took since Mar 2009 to May 2011.. then tried procerin as a recommendation from a friend.. but realised the effect was obviously not as good.. began to shed hair on my left temple again*is hair receding problem* after 6 months since stopping.. i wish to know since you have restarted propecia after a six years halt.. is any of your lost hair growing back as they were like when you are at the medication initially.. or the restart just help to maintain the existing hair..?


    Now i am considering to restart propecia again.. wish to hear more stories/experiences from you guys here.. :)




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