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Posts posted by shinytop

  1. Hi all,


    I've been taking 1.25 mg finasteride for 4 years and 5% regaine foam for 2 years. I've also had a 2400 FUE for the hairline.


    Despite all my efforts I'm still slowly thinning at the top of my head, so I'd like to try laser.

    I realise the majority of folks think laser is a load of rubbish but I'd like to give it a try as it seems to be my only other option.


    Unfortunately there are a couple of problems.

    1) I have ME/CFS so wouldn't be able to hold a laser comb to my head for the required amount of time. This leaves me with the laser helmets as the best option.


    2) I can't afford the full retail price for the igrow helmet. Unfortunately their UK website simply change $ for ?.


    So to cut a long story short, I'm looking for the best value laser helmet I can find. I'd be happy with a second hand helmet but can't find any on eBay. I did however find a Chinese copy called ATS for ?250 on eBay. My worry is it will simply be a cycle helmet with pretty lights.


    So what do you think guys?

  2. Thanks, hsrp10.

    we've certainly got a tough combo to deal with! Yes I'll try to gradually reduce my Nizoral usage and replace with a fragrance free shampoo for most days.

    Do you use a hairdryer at all? I find by SD flares up badly if I allow it to dry naturally. The same for my face - I have to dry pronto!

  3. Thanks guys. I'll try not to freak out too much. MPB is a cruel thing.


    I've used Nizoral for years, not for MPB but seborrheic dermatitis, a type of eczema that affects my scalp mainly. I'm sensitive to fragrance so Nizoral is quite good in that respect as its fragrance free. If I am to reduce it's use, I would need to find something that is fragrance free and also treats seborrheic dermatitis.

    I looked into Alpecin but that's got some pretty harsh ingredients including fragrance.


    My other issue is excessive sebum production. Finasteride doesn't appear to have reduced it any. I spoke to my G.P. about low dose accutane but they won't entertain the idea.


    Thanks for your support guys. Really appreciated :-)

  4. Hi folks,


    I've been on generic propecia 1.25mg for at least 4 years, Nizoral is my main shampoo. I use regaine foam 5% once a day. I also had 2500 FUE around 18 months ago.

    Up until even 6 weeks ago my hair was doing pretty well. The hair loss was minimal and the hair felt thick (ish) and strong.


    But for some reason since then I've started shedding a lot. Probably the worst in 3 years. The hair that's lost is very miniturised.

    I really can't understand why this is happening. The only things I can think of are:

    We're in July and the weather has been quite warm; I've been taking antihistamines for my hayfever;

    My healthy diet has slipped a little. More dairy and sugar;


    So I guess what I'm asking if what can I do to stop the loss? Super-healthy diet? Up the propecia dose?


    I'm also thinking of starting trx2 or saw palmetto.


    I'd love to know your thoughts.

  5. Does anyone know what ever happened to the idea of cloning a hair follicle from the donor area and transplanting it? As with most "breakthrough"s in medical science I read about, it seems to have disappeared into the ether!


    Companies delivering promising clinic trials are often bought out by someone else, then it all goes quiet. I do wonder if something like cell therapy won't ever happen because there is not as much money to be made as treating symptoms i.e. a patient continues to spend money for the rest of their life. They probably made a cure for the common cold decades ago, but think what impact that would have on the economy. Its the same reason why we are still using the archaic internal combustion engine.


    Sorry, I went off on a conspiracy rant there LOL. But you get the idea :)

  6. Thanks for all the thoughts everyone. I'll just keep in mind that hopefully I'll have a great result and be grinning from ear to ear :)


    My biggest concern about shaving my head )and going back to work) is it's full of weird angles and lumps and bumps and the top and back. As my hair has got thinner, you can really feel it! I'm going to look absolutely dreadful when shaven. If its not enough to go bald, I have to have a hideous head too :)

    I have a friend who is bald and his head is the perfect shape. If I had a head like him, I probably wouldn't be committing myself to a life of HT's and medication.


    As I work in an office (smartly dressed) I don't think I would get away with a hat of any kind.

  7. I'm booked in for my first HT in 5 months. I've been on finasteride for 4 years, but seen further loss in that time.


    So I was thinking to start Regaine 5 minoxidil now? But I'm worried about the duration of shedding and how much I will lose. Is it possible that the shedding phase will happen but those hairs will never grow back?


    If on the day of the HT I'm still in the shedding phase, it may seem like I need more grafts than I really do.


    Love to hear your thoughts.

  8. You have to remember that we're not famous celebrities, people don't really care what you look like - they're too interested in their own lives, especially when they're stressing over getting a flight.


    I've always struggled with low self esteem, especially since losing my hair. Unfortunately it does bother me what people think. I guess that's the same for most men that have a HT. If we were along on this earth with only a HT clinic, would we care about being bald? i bet not.


    But you're right of course. I just need to keep things in perspective. Passport control is going to be the least of my worries. Going back to work is going to be very very though. Just got to push on through ;)

  9. Hi,


    I've read a lot on the internet about the benefits to increasing the blood flow to the scalp. Apprently it can slow, stop and even reverse hairloss.

    This seems to be backed up by how Rogaine/Regaine hows - irritating the skin to increase blood flow to the scalp.


    Is there any truth to any of this?

    I only ask because my circulation isn't that great. At night in bed my face, forehead and front of my scalp is cold to the touch. I wondered if this could explain some of the hairloss there?


    Its easy to rectify that by wearing a beanie hat in bed. But lots of people say wearing a beanie will cause hair loss and not let the head breath.


    So, I'm not sure whether to leave alone or start wearing a beanie in bed?

    You'd think if blood flow to the scalp was the cause of hair loss, the sides would go too, so I'm not sure.

  10. Hi,


    I have a HT booked for the end of November, so I'm already starting to think over everything!


    After the op, I know we are given some sort of head covering/hat. I was wondering if this would cause a problem when flying home? i.e. would passport control ask you to remove it when comparing you to your passport photo? Definitely not something I'd like to do.


    Also I know there can be a lot of facial swelling post op. What with some sort of headgear and a fat face, I might look VERY different to my passport photo.


    What are your thoughts on this?

  11. Thanks for the replies.


    That's good news then. I'm looking to have 2500 FUE with Dr Feriduni or Dr Bisanga. Its a very tough decision. Doesn't seem to be anything between them.

    The front 3rd of my head is very thin and the temples have gone. Still quite thick on the top and back though.


    Nice to know I have a big of freedom with with hairstyle.

  12. I've noticed that people end up with a spiky hairstyle after a HT?

    I understand that the hair will grow in the direction that they are implanted, but I wondered if it is a requirement that they point straight up? is it possible to angle the implant so that it grows forwards?


    I know people saw hair growing upwards gives it more volume, but I find it makes me look super bald if I do that! By growing my hair forwards diagonally, I can hide my bald bits much better.


    I'm hoping to get a HT in the near future, but I'm not keen on the idea of a spiky hairdo. It just doesn't suit me. Then again, neither does being bald!

  13. I've been in touch with a few of the well known HT clinics.

    The response has been very positive - most say my levels (around 120k if I do all the right things) shouldn't cause a problem. One clinic says they have operated on two patients with a count of 120k without issue.


    It would be nice to know if there was a definative bleed time cut off point, as we could easy have that test done at the doctors.


    Still, this gives me confidence moving on :)

  14. Hi folks,


    Yes I am on Finasteride (1.25mg per day) and have been for about 4 years.

    I think they have been a little low for at least 5 years, so I don’t think Fin is the cause in my case, but may very well not be helping.


    I've tried many things to raise my platelets:



    • Papaya leaf tea and extract
    • IPT kit
    • Sesame oil
    • Super healthy diet - no sugar, gluten, dairy


    Nothing has worked for me to be honest. Even the steroids only knocked the levels up a tiny amount.


    The problem is, because my levels are only a fraction under normal, my G.P. is not prepared to do anything more to get the levels up as they wouldn't cause any issue in normal life. Having said that, I don't think I'd want to go near Prednisone again. That stuff really messes up your body!


    Also I think it's down to the clinic's experience with the issue. Because they had never come across this as an issue before, they just aren't sure what to do with me. I totally understand of course. There's no point going through the stress and cost of a HT if its ultimately going to be unsuccessful. They tell me the implanted hairs will just get pushed out if it doesn't clot at the normal rate.


    But there are other factors that determine clotting speed besides platelet count. For example, I know vitamin k and iron increase clotting. So who knows, it may be possible to have a low platelet count and no issue with clotting :confused:

  15. Hi folks,


    I'm a 31 year old male and have been experiencing male pattern baldness related hairloss since the age of 18. Over the last 4 years I have been trying to arrange for a hair transplant, but have discovered along the way that I have a low platelet count. Normal levels are between 150000 and 450000 per microlitre and mine are usually around 110000.


    Over the last two years I have been working with my G.P. to increase the platelet count. I have tried most natural remedies and a two week course of steroids (prednisone) but was only able to achieve a level of 128000 microlitres


    I have been in touch with a couple of hair transplant clinics in the UK and they say had never had a patient with a low platelet count in the past, so are not sure what the procedure would be for a successful transplant. However, they are apprehensive to go ahead with surgery with a platelet count below the normal level.

    My G.P. assures me that my platelet count would never cause an issue in normal life, or with surgery, but obviously hair transplant surgery is very different from other forms of surgery.


    Do you guys know what the threshold platelet count level is for FUE?


    Many thanks

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