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Posts posted by kyle2323

  1. I know exactly where your coming from. I am now 20 years old and noticed I was balding since 16 or 17. It hurts when people say things because noone understands what it's like and howmuch it can hurt to look in the mirror and see that your thinning and going bald at such a young age. I played basketball in highschool, and one time when we were playing our rival school I had the whole croud chanting "you need rogaine" every time I touched the ball. Balding is something I have been dealing with for the past 4 years, and I have now decided I need to do something. Not proud to say but I seriously doubt your hair loss is as bad as mine. Just thought you would like to know you're not the only one, because I sure as hell did. Good luck with everything.

  2. I must say I have the worst case of hair loss at an early age I have ever seen. I am 20 years old and have been balding and thinning since highschool. My confidence and happiness have gone way down as well as my self esteem. I don't know why I went bald so early but it's really bad and I want to do something about it. To let eveyone know just how bad it is, when I cut my own hair i don't even take the clippers to the top of my head. It's more like peach fuzz than hair. Why have I gone bald at such an early age and what can I do about it being so young? Has anyone else out there ever seen, experienced, or heard of anyone going bald so early.

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