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Blog Entries posted by Jordanal

  1. Jordanal
    Hi guys,

    I know its normal to get spots or pimples after surgery and your probably not suppose to pop them but i couldnt resist and i popped like 3 of them...

    soo my question is: are your hair grafts suppose to pop up and out if you pop your pimple?

    i ask because out of the 3 i pimples i popped one was a new hair trying to make its way up and it appeard and its okay now but the other 2 when i popped it i saw the graft slide out same way they were put in basically; it had the white skin around it and everything it looked exactly like a graft thats about to go in but little softer, it was a 3 hair graft. this didnt hurt or sting or anything at all. i'm at 3 months post opp.

    question 2. when your hair sheds after surgery what is it suppose to look like. i.e is it just the hair without the skin around it or does it resemble a new graft?

    Please get back to me and thanks for your support.


  2. Jordanal
    Hi everyone. I have been on the hunt to find a good quality clinic or surgeon, with a reasonable price like everybody els has here i'm sure. I came across TALIZI clinic located in Tbilis, Georgia. The prices seem affordable but i'm not 100 present sure in the quality. when i see the before and after pictures from the surgeons from the United Sates the quality of TALIZI seems lesser. i have been thinking about going to the us but it would cost me something like 25 thousand including the travel and all that. but at talizi i can get 5.000 hair folicles transplanted for 7,500 US dollars. i would like to know if anyone here has been at Talizi and what you guys think i should do or what you would do in my shoes. i want the best quality there is but with for a reasonbale price. any info would be helpful. thanks.

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