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Posts posted by litesport

  1. Hi Jayukdht,

    Rod is the only person who I know that has been to Dr Radha for a follow up HT. I too would like to know if anyone else has seen her for a second or third HT as who knows, one day i may wish to go for a second HT.

    However, currently I am very happy with my results and coupled with the medication, may never need to go for a second HT. Fingers crossed.

  2. Please look up my posts to see my results with Dr Radha. With regards to the scar, I will try to get a photo uploaded sometime over the weekend. I believe that it is pencil thin but obviously a photo will tell the truth.

    I must admit I have not heard of anyone having a second procedure with Dr Radha. i have heard of people having gone to her for their third HT, but she was not their original surgeon.

    Look for posts from Rod G. Hair Restoration Social Network ? Community for and by Hair Loss Patients - RodG's Profile

    I believe that he did not get the results he was hoping for but please read his posts as I may have my information wrong and I do not wish to speak for others.

  3. I appreciate that people think I am rude. However, I feel that I'm just blunt. I tell it like it is.

    Your result look absolutely typical. To me, (not a surgeon), you look like you have nothing to worry about.

    With regards to shampooing with herbal oils etc, I say; do you trust Dr Radha or would you trust a stranger on a forum you have most likely never met? Did she say you can use shampoo x, y or z? If so, then go ahead. OR, did she say use baby shampoo only with the addition of olive oil? No doubt you already know the answer.

    As I eluded to on Tihom's thread, to everyone undertaking or thinking of undertaking a HT;

    There will be pain and discomfort, you will look like a freak for a while etc etc. Please follow your doctors advice to the letter. Do not use any weird or wonderful shampoos that have not been recommended by your surgeon. With regards to the discomfort, put up with it. It will go away soon enough although it will feel like ages. Please do update us on your progress so that we may support you through the blues, (those months when you feel like nothing is happening). Then 8 months down the path, sing the praises of your surgeon or warn others to stay away.

  4. Hi Dactum

    I too have had a HT from Dr Radha.

    Apologies if I sound rude but did you listen to Dr Radha with regards to post op care? Did you read the documentation she gave to you with regards to post op care? Why are you asking a forum and not the professional? If you trusted her to perform the surgery, why do you not trust her post op advice?

    I have no affiliation to Dr Radha other than the fact that she performed my surgery June 2012.

    I find it strange that so many people end up questioning her skills and professional advice yet still have surgery with her. If you are doubtful of her qualifications, choose another surgeon. If you have any questions pre-op or post-op regarding her qualifications and advice, please do ask her and yes by all means post your findings here.

    Asking us for medical advice etc is in my opinion just plain stupid. Are you one of those people that follows financial advice from friends/family even though they are not independent financial advisers? Do you take your car to be serviced by anyone other than a mechanic? Do you see a dentist for a tooth problem or do you see your mate in the pub?

    Your post op pictures look good. Follow Dr Radha's advice and all will be fine. Trust me, I'm a doctor! ( I'm actually not a doctor but a chemistry teacher, however i am a past patient of Dr Radha so please feel free to read my posts).

  5. Everything looks good to me. As you know I am an advocate for Dr Radha. I had a HT with her end of June 2012. (Please see my posts if you are interested).

    Yes my scalp felt numb for a while, forget how long but it was a long time, and yes I too looked silly and wished she had shaved my hair even shorter.

    Hang in there, get a haircut/shave when possible but be careful of the stitches. In a month you will look normal. Then you will be here complaining that you can't see any results. After 6 - 8 months you should be back on here singing her praises. I say should because everyone is different, there are no guarantees in life.

    When I had my surgery with Dr Radha she gave me a few pills to sleep that night and boy could I sleep.

    When i went back the next day to have my head washed I asked for some more of those pills. Dr Radha point blank refused to give me any more painkillers When I pressed her on the subject she said "no, you will become addicted. Accept the discomfort, take paracetamol and give it time".

    So to all of you wanting extra painkillers, here is a doc who cares about your long term health. If you think that this pain/discomfort is to much to bare, be glad your not a women giving birth. So with regards to the pain, I say, shutup, put-up and move on. If you are not willing to accept any pain/discomfort, go home and stay bald!

  6. @Tihom, I don't see any posts from experienced people that question Dr Radha's capabilities. I do see posts from forum members with no experience questioning her capabilities. Their baseless scaremongering appears to be due to a lack of people updating their forum posts and pictures.

    Please do look at my posts and my pictures if you, Wadenwa and others wish to see her work.

    Most people eventually fade away from this forum as they move on with their lives. This too will happen to you.

    You will post regular updates post surgery, question your choices and think all has failed as you go through the doldrums, and then show off your head of hair around the 7 to 10 month stage and then leave the nest, so to speak. This is only natural. I was so keen post surgery that I was going to post a picture each week. Boy did I get tired of that pretty quickly.

    So no, I and many other patients of Dr Radha or any other doc have nothing to hide. If I or any other patient wasn't happy with the results then you can bet that the news would be all over the forum.


    That being said, I agree that her surgery needs to be spruced up. A fresh coat of paint would not go astray. But then again, I paid her for her abilities as a surgeon, not an interior decorator.

  7. Thanks James84. The photos at the beach are 6 months. The last 2 were just taken about 30 minutes ago after my shower and are at 7 months. Hair is wet and clumped together so in those 2 photos so doesn't look as good as it can.

    I still have new hair coming through as I can feel stubble on my scalp, so it is still thickening up. All in all, I am extremely pleased with the result.

  8. I was just checking in on this forum as I had been away from here for a while. I have noticed on other threads that people are doubting Dr Radha's expertise and there has been a lack of photographic evidence regarding her work.

    So here are my latest photos. Some from the beach at about 6 months post op, I think, and 2 taken just now after my shower so my hair is wet and clumped together.






  9. Yes I am still taking the medication every second day. No side effects. I think it is working, might be too early to tell. I did not have any hair transplanted into the crown area so will be interesting to see what that area looks like after about 12 months of medication.

  10. Hi Ahmed9500

    I am based in Singapore so cant meet up sorry. Obviously I am at 8 weeks and going through the doldrums phase. Lots of the grafts have shed though not all. It appears that some grafts have decided not to shed but to start and continue growing. Obviously need to wait until around month 10 I think before I can say definitively what the results are. However based on my limited experiences I would most certainly recommend Dr Radha.

  11. Here are the pictures 2 weeks later.

    Trying to get the lighting to match isn't so easy.


    Scabs are gone and no shedding as yet. Blue nylon stitches removed at day 5. Now have the other stitches starting to fall out. Wife keeps cutting and removing pieces of stitches from back of my head. All seems to be going well.




  12. It is now 2 weeks post HT, will get wife to take pics and upload later today.

    As yet none of the transplanted hair has shed. In fact it is growing longer. Is this usual? Will it grow a bit and then shed? I realise that everyones experience is slightly different, just thought that I would see signs of shedding by now.

    Mind you, I'm not complaining.

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