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Posts posted by KMarks

  1. Hi All,


    I'd like to share my very positive experience with Dr. Wesley.


    I began losing my hair at age 25. At age 26, I visited several NYC hair transplant doctors and was told it was "too soon" for surgery. I began taking Propecia. By age 28, I had lost a considerable amount of my hairline and I had deep recession around my temples (parking lots). At that time, I set out on the hunt again and met with several NYC doctors (Dr. True, Dr. Bernstein, Dr. John Frank, Dr. Prasad, and Dr. Wesley).


    Due to his light presence online, the meeting with Dr. Wesley was almost an afterthought for me. I am very glad I came in for the consultation.


    Simply put, I had the most confidence in him from the day I met him. He was easy to talk to, realistic, thorough, and thoughtful. Dr. Wesley made complicated subjects sound simple and he never gave me the impression that I was being pressured or that I was asking too many questions.


    Each of the other reputable NYC doctors I listed above came off as being too "salesy", too short with me, overly negative, or overly optimistic. They didn't seem real and I left each time with the impression that I was just another number, sale, or surgery.


    Dr. Wesley gave me the impression that he was confident he could do great work for me but the decision was entirely up to me. He wanted my business but he didn't need my business.


    His prediction was right- he did great work for me. I have attached several pictures. The grown-in after photos are at the 10 month point so it's reasonable to expect more growth from there. I started noticing some slow growth at the 3 month point.


    The grafts were incubated in platelet rich plasma (PRP). Here are the graft counts:

    Total 2100: 1s: 501, 2s 1125, fine 2s 62, 3s 263, fine 3s 109, Follicular Families (more than 3 hairs) 40.


    Note that I have relatively fair skin and I was able to hide the surgery within a week but I did have a decent amount of existing hair to cover up the red spots and scar. Also note that although the stitches are relatively uncomfortable after, the surgery itself is painless.


    Bottom Line: I predict that Dr. Carlos Wesley will be the premier Hair Transplant Doctor at some point in the very near future. He is clearly less experienced than some of his peers but he has mastered this craft already. I highly recommend him.


    I will likely not be checking this forum again for awhile. Before the surgery, I was obsessed. I spent hours each day reading online and contemplating the surgery. Now that I've gotten it, I never think about my hair (hence my disinterest in visiting the site). Dr. Wesley was able to reduce a serious mental (and physical) burden for me.










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