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Posts posted by CaptainCrunch

  1. BTW, I think this is actually one of Larry Shapiro's better looking results! How is this guy still allowed to practice medicine?


    WOW if my results were his "better" results, id truly hate to see his worse results :eek:. I too wonder how he is still allowed to practice medicine considering the number of lives that man has ruined. Thank god for professionals like Dr. Charles who have the skills to correct such dreadful work. I cannot thank that man enough.

  2. Past Experience: :eek:

    I would like to start off by stating that i have had a past HT over 2 1/2 years ago by he who shall not be named (rhymes wit Bary Mapiro). The results results were not satisfying to say the least. I was left with an unnatural looking hairline and a hefty donor scar which prevented me from almost ever taking off my hat.



    My consultation with Dr. Glenn Charles was very pleasant. Of course the moment i took off my ball cap he acknowledged the poor work that was done and seemed blown away by the large donor scar. Rather than hyping me up with some sales pitch and unrealistic expectations, Dr. Charles was very honest with what i could expect. While removing such a large scar, he anticipated i could only harvest approximately 1000 grafts and advised me to massage my scalp several times a day (which i did religiously). After leaving the office i felt as if i was now in the hands of someone who actually cared about helping me get my life back.


    Procedure: 5/8/12

    After changing into my gown i prepared myself for the numbing shots, which really didn't hurt very much at all. During the procedure i just relaxed while watching T.V. and chatting with the friendly staff. They were very gentle and cautious in preventing any pain. After all the incisions were filled, it turned out that i amazing still had more grafts, so more incisions were made. When it was all finished, i had a bit over 1800 grafts placed (i guess the massaging works). Some pictures were taken and Dr. Charles thoroughly went over the post-op instructions.



    All in all, the difference between my past doctor and Dr. Charles really was like night and day. I cannot express begin to express my gratitude. The massive scar is finally GONE and i truly believe in the work done by Dr. Charles. I'm on the road to getting my life back. I know i made the right choice in choosing Dr. Charles



    It has been a little over 24 hours since the procedure began. I have been taking my medications as instructed. i'm not in any pain at all. I plan on posting picture and making a blog when i get the chance. :D

    I started taking propecia and i'll begin taking rogaine in 2 weeks.


    Sorry for the long post :P i could easily write a 10 page paper on this experience :P


    EDIT: I have added some photos of before and after. Please let me know what you think. :)

    Edit: #2: BTW, the doctor that rhymes with Bary Mapiro is LARRY SHAPIRO. Just as a warning to those of you looking for a doctor, i urge you to avoid Larry Shapiro (you can see his butchering below).. I'd recommend the fantastic Dr. Charles instead :P










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