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Posts posted by emgm1977

  1. 1.17 mm. it is larger than what i discussed. when we had a skype consultation i asked if he used .8 or .9 1.0 mm. he said he uses up to 1.2 mm it depends on the hair texture, quality ect. i really didnt want above a 1.0 mm because i have fine hair. i did not think it was necessary to go above that. i know if you go to low you can compromise the follicle. i was okay with 1600 grafts at below 1.0 but that many grafts at 1.17 may cause to much damage i do not know

  2. i am not trying to react to soon but want to stay proactive. i do not think this is normal. problem is there is not a lot of information on this as i have tried to look. not worried about the redness going away but why are the holes not healing? is this a sign that they will not close and be left to look like pits?

  3. i had fue transplant done several weeks ago. my donor area has not healed like i thought it would by now(1600 grafts). not sure the picture shows as well as what one can see in person. i believe i am histamine positive. did not know this til after the surgery. so the puncture wounds are still red but the holes are not closing and there is no scabs or bleeding or crust to indicate healing. called the doctor said it is okay and need more time to heal. is this normal?


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