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Posts posted by redman

  1. Thanks for the positive comments guys. DV8, I experienced a but of shock loss around my donor scar on both sides but thankfully it filled in within 5-6 months. I was worried in the first few months about hair loss and what my final result and I contacted h and w frequently with questions, but I would just say keep the faith, stay positive, these guys have done thousands of procedures and as you get to the 7-8th month mark things will really start to take shape. I realised I'm never going to have the thickness I had when I was in my teens, my hair still looks slightly thin in direct sunlight, but it's one hell of an improvement from where I was!

  2. Hey guys,


    I just wanted to share my results from my 4120 FUT procedure with Dr Hasson from May 2012.


    I am now 13 months post op and the results are really nothing short of outstanding. I am really happy and can't thank Dr Hasson and his support staff enough, especially JoTronic, Doug, Christina and all the technicians for their work, help and aftercare support.


    Prior to my op, I had spent around 5 years researching Drs, meeting them, and their representatives, before I made the decision to go with the Godfather of HT doctors, Dr Hasson, and I definitely made the right choice!


    I am in my mid thirties and have suffered from hair loss since my early twenties, using a range of lotions, potions, wearing a distrastrous hair system, before I came to the conclusion that a hair transplant was the way forward.


    It's also important to note that my hair has always been quite fine, so I didn't really think achieving such a great result was possible. I doubt it would have been in the hands of any other doctor.


    I've posted a few photos, from pre-op to 10 months, to 13 months (today).


    Any comments appreciated...








  3. I've been using saw palmetto alongside propecia for over 5 years. I really couldn't say whether taking them together helps or hinders things, although I know some people say there's no point taking both together, as they effectively both block dht. I suppose I've always hoped that taking them together will block more dht than just taking one or the other.

  4. 21yearsandscared sorry for not replying sooner, only just seen this. I can't comment on whether the formula is safe or not as I'm not a medical professional. I cant recall ever having any problems with it myself though. Regarding shedding, i guess it's a possibility initially, but I've always been on 5% minoxidil before moving onto 12.5% so I can't recall suffering any sheds. Hope this helps.

  5. The attached photo is the closest hair length i can find to what i have now, but the attached photo is a grade 4 on top and not a grade 2 so slightly longer than it is now.


    The reason i have kept my hair short is so i can try and see new hair growth a bit better and also so friends wont notice such a change, it will be more gradual.


    Regarding my scar, i actually have my hair at the sides at a grade 4, you can still make out a bit of a line but it seems to be getting less visible. I had quite a lot of shockloss around my scar so that was the main problem, but most of the hair has regrown.


  6. Hi everyone,


    Today is my 6 month anniversary of my 4120 graft procedure with Dr Hasson.

    I just wanted to post some photos and get people's thoughts on my progress.


    I'm a norwood 5 diffuse thinner. Dr Hasson implanted the grafts to my frontal third to try and get rid of my solar panel look, and rebuilt my hair line.


    After the procedure, the techs who implanted my grafts predicted a fantastic result, and while Dr Hasson stopped short of that, he said I should get a good result.


    My progress has been steady. My scalp is still very visible and my hair pretty transparent from the front and the sides, and I am still getting a fair bit of dry skin. I have been keeping my hair clippered to a guard grade 2 on top. I suppose I am looking for reassurance from people. I hoped there would have been a bit more hair growth by now, and the hair would be denser - but hopefully that will come over the next few months. And at least finally i have a hairline again!


    I have also been back on the minoxidil since about 3 weeks out, and I've continued with propecia which I've been on for about 6 years.



    I've attached some photos, one immediately pre op, then the rest at monthly intervals, up to 6 months (today) - weirdly my 5 months post op looks thinner than my 4 months but I think that's just the lighting.


    Look forward to people's comments. Lets hope the next few months brings a lot more growth and density.







  7. Thanks for the response Spex, it's good to hear that their patients will finally get the chance to be properly educated about the HT option through you, and that they will be recommend reputable doctors like Dr Feller and Lindsey, rather than Dr May!


    And as far as getting misquoted by journalists goes, I know only too well about that too!

  8. Hi, as a precursor to this thread, can I first say what a huge fan I am of spex and what he has brought to this community, I am one of the many people he has given free advice to over the years.


    I have a question though.


    Many uk hair loss sufferers will be aware of the Belgravia centre based in London. They offer both minoxidil and propecia at highly inflated prices compared to many other sources which many of us use.


    I have seen various posts in the past with spex commenting on and being critical of their high prices and him offering cheaper alternatives elsewhere, which is hugely appreciated. Belgravia also refer patients looking for a HT to dr Michael May of the wimpole clinic, the least said about him the better! I have also seen some of spex s posts commenting on them referring patients to dr may and that he is not a fan of dr may.


    I have recently been on the belgravia centres website blog and seen an interview they have done with spex in the last few weeks in which he appears to indirectly endorse the belgravia centre. Given his previous comments, I'm slightly confused.


    Below is one of his quotes:


    “Hair transplant surgery is a last resort and prior to surgery you need to stabilise you situation through recommended treatments such as the ones Belgravia centre provide.” advises Spex. “Monitor your hair loss and Belgravia can help you do this very accurately. Only when you feel confident your hair loss is under control is surgery then an option if you choose to further improve your situation. The Belgravia Centre can advise you on choosing the right surgeon, or put you in contact with me personally to offer you the best advice so you can make an informed decision.”


    Given that belgravia recommend dr may who spex himself has been critical of, I was pretty surprised by the quote.



    Maybe the purpose of the interview was just to spread the word about hair transplants to those who know little about the quality of ht's that the top doctors are producing these days, but it just seems slightly contradictory considering previous comments he has made.


    Like I say I have huge respect for spex, so would be grateful if he could clear this up.


    I don't think I am allowed to attach the article link but it is on the belgravia centre website under the blog section and entitled 'Spencer Stevenson - a hair loss mentor'

  9. Hey Redman, did you find a solution? I was in a similar situation, had a wedding about 8/9 weeks after my HT. I was concerned about it too. The hat might be the best option especially if it is stylish it can look great. When I first got mine I didn't want to tell friends or family and thought I could hide it. After long discussions with my girlfriend I decided not to bother and embraced it. Easy conversation starter (handy at weddings)


    The wedding I was going to I had to film, so I was standing up beside bride & groom in the church.


    Most people will be respectful and either not bring it up or will politely ask you what it is. What you have to look out for is the jerk of the group (there is always one). Prepare yourself, have a comical but not too insulting response lined up.


    "Wow John your looking a bit thin on top..." said the jerk as we met at the bar

    "Shit dude you've put on a few pounds... I guess we're all getting older" I replied


    something along those lines.


    I actually wore a bandana. Not wearing anything wasn't really an option. We were outside much of the day in hot sunshine so I needed to cover my head, and I have very bad shockloss, scalp redness and scar visibility. Managed to get through the day but I was pretty conscious of how I looked. I told people I'd had an accident and sliced my head open so got quite a lot of sympathy!

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