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Posts posted by BuddyTheElf

  1. I would disagree somewhat with this statement. I agree that HT will no doubt look much thinner under the harsh lightling stated here but that does not mean they "Don't look good". At least mine looks decent under this lighting and I was NW5.


    "Most HTs do NOT look good under a heavy spotlight, sunlight, or fluorescent light, but under warm incadescent lighting that most people use in homes, restaurants, and lounges they look great."


    You look like you had a great result! Congrats! How many grafts did you get?

  2. Hi guys. Haven't posted before but have been looking at the website for a while now researching HT. This website has been invaluable. It is so reassuring to hear that other men are having the same issues with baldness as I have had for the last ten years.


    Anyway, I have decided to take the plunge. Off to Belgium tomorrow for HT with Dr Feriduni. Met with him in February. Found him and the set up to be first class. Very professional.


    The doctors advice was 2400 FUE over two days. I am only interested in filling in my crown and not to bothered about some receding..


    Feeling a little nervous about the procedure but cannot wait to get this done and see how things progress over the next year.


    I will post some pre and post pictures later in the week....


    Tell us more! how did it go??

  3. Lets face it ... the first thing girls look at is status/money.


    I've met short guys, bald guys, fat guys all with hot wives/girlfriends/mistresses. The one thing they all had in common was $$ & boss status. Having money makes you feel superior to other people. (especially in capitalistic cultures)... think Ron Burgundy


    Hair does matter but I think most girls would rate it at the lower than money, status, height, weight, and well dressed.

  4. Hello Thanatopsis


    I cannot thank you enough for such detailed explanations. I totally agree with you 100% !!


    I will personally go see few people who had BHT/FUE done (there are on this site) so can see the results myself. I hope they will have the free time. will definitely keep you posted on what I think of BHT


    Again I am not big fan of FUT only because of the scar, however you are right I will speak to some world class doctor about FUT.





    Good Luck Ryan,

    Lots of us support you but can't really fight off the H&W crew. Its like they always have an agenda. I think Umar's patients look better, thats my opinion.


    Just know that other ppl feel the same way you do and you don't need to impress anyone on the internet. Do whats right for you man :)

  5. Hello Thanatopsis


    I cannot thank you enough for such detailed explanations. I totally agree with you 100% !!


    I will personally go see few people who had BHT/FUE done (there are on this site) so can see the results myself. I hope they will have the free time. will definitely keep you posted on what I think of BHT


    Again I am not big fan of FUT only because of the scar, however you are right I will speak to some world class doctor about FUT.







    You are making a smart choice by going to Dr Umar. You've already done the research for yourself, thats obvious....


    The H&W crew are always going to be here trying to convince you its the best thing in the world and that they have your "best interests in mind"... kinda like an overbearing parent - btw, none of these guys have an MD and none of them know you.


    Fact is that if you have the following criteria you are a great Umar Candidate.

    1. you have plenty of money

    2. you prefer a short haircut (with H&W people will "see thru" your hair" if you are NW6 with normal laxity and only have 8k grafts in that nw6 pattern - if you like short hair the see through is even worse)

    3. you don't want a big scar on the back of your head

    4. you can also get off meds if you graft enough... i think propecia is dangerous and in 10 years when there is an epidemic of male breast cancer and sexual dysfunction people will recognize that (don't play with your hormones... people on oral contraceptives in the past never realized there were severe stroke, intracranial pressure, and hepatic adenoma risks; many drugs take a long time to build up their effect and individuals won't report it especially if the dysfunction is sexual in nature)



    I just think you should do what you want. I sense you are trying to be "nice" to these guys because you are nervous about your procedure and want "support" but you gotta realize a lot of people on these forums aren't here to be your buddy, but just want to feel important.


    You are a smart guy and I wish you luck in your HT and look forward to seeing you improve.


    Oh and one last thing, never trust a hair transplant "consultant"... they are just a salesperson who will try anything to build credibility.

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