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Posts posted by Akash202

  1. So does this all mean i have lost the grafts.Is loosing of grafts is not accompanied by bleeding or pain(I did not have any of them)??I am using baby shampoo and using a mug for washing hair...I went for a follow up to Dr madhu's clinic but an assistant doctor told me that it takes 72 hours for grafts to settle..and advised me after looking my scalp that my grafts are intact.I wonder how can someone tell by naked eyes...!!!!

  2. Hi all,


    I did my hair transplant from Dr Pathuri Madhu on 19th May and I was advised to start shampooing and oiling from 21st may.But from 23rd may I started seeing that some of the transplanted hair were missing,everyday i can see in the mirror that i m loosing transplanted hair one by one mainly in the hairline area.I am very much worried if I am loosing my hair grafts.I am very gentle in washing and oiling and never saw any kind of bleeding or oozing from the scalp.I read on net that transplanted hair shedding starts from 2nd week post-op.


    Please advise.I really need suggestion from all of you guys as i m really upset :(

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